Tessa O'Malley



6 years, 3 months ago




name Tessa O,Malley
age 25 years old
stats 6'0" / 290 lbs
gender cisgender female
pronouns she/her/hers
sexuality pansexual
species golden retriever
occupation college student

Friendly / Loyal / Motivated / Empathetic / Stressed / Encouraging / Independent

Tessa is ambitious, and her drive to succeed makes it possible for her to overcome any challenge. It doesn't make them any easier though, and her social life suffers from her extensive workload. She's studying psychology and has aspirations to become a school guidance counselor, but has taken her schooling one step further. She leads several extracurricular groups at her university and volunteers at the local library on top of that. It's a miracle if she has a second to rest by the time the week is through. Coffee is what keeps her going, in addition to her iron willpower. She could stand to take it a bit easier, but worries she'll miss opportunities if she does. She always has to be one step ahead of the competition, and she's competing against her personal best.

At her age, she's done more planning ahead than most people and doesn't hesitate when going after her goals. Still, it's not like she's immune to failure, especially with how much she's taken on. Biting off more than she can chew has become a big problem for her, and she can end up not moving at all when she's paralyzed by too many obligations. It's also difficult for her to find validation outside of her academic achievements, and she quickly feels worthless when she doesn't succeed like she expected.

To keep some necessary balance in her life, Tessa does cut loose on the weekends. Whether she chooses to spend the day at home or at s party depends on the week, but if her energy can stand it she prefers the latter. In a group, she can finally let loose and rant away the troubles of her day. You honestly wouldn't expect some of the things that roll off her tongue, but when you're as overworked as she is: you cant really help but let a few curses slip. It would drive her crazy if she had to be perfect all time time.

Tessa is a golden retriever with flopped ears and a thick tail. She has a heavy-set body type, and carries most of her weight in her midsection and thighs. She's also very tall, and has a good amount of upper body strength and stamina from working out.

She's pretty fit thanks to her interest in sports growing up, and she's continued that passion by leading a non-competitive dance club at school.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut.


Work is the last thing Tessa has time for, so she's currently a full-time student.

She lives on-campus during the school year, and returns home during breaks to visit her family.

Her parents are just as hard-working as she is, and own a ranch that she's welcome to visit any time.


As you can imagine, Tessa was involved in practically every extracurricular activity during high school. In addition to academics, she was a part of several track and field teams, did some cheer-leading, and also played the trumpet despite a clear lack of skill. She still owns the trumpet, but it's better used as a decoration. The same goes for the old cheer uniforms in the back of her closet. 

Her family always supported her goals, but could hardly keep up with her. The second they had her registered for a soccer team, she'd be asking about an art club, then the swim team, then bowling and everything else under the sun. If you can name it, she's had a phase for it.
