


1 year, 9 months ago
PA m


The ultimate lifeform.....

Name: Watercress
Nickname(s): Cress

Sex: Male
ID: 2544
Owner: Hannah--Bug 
Group: Primeval-Age | primevalage.weebly.com
Dinosaur Species: Bald Atopodentatus
Age: Hatchling (Level 1)
Weight: Heavy due to size
Height: Way Too Big
Length: Long
Breeding Slots: 4

Genotype: rgb(181,198,194) SPSP / Cl
Phenotype: Clouded seafoam with Striped
Minimal Markings: Blaze, Blush, Cap, Chin, Heart, Rump, Toes [ BL / BS / CP / CH / HT / RP / TO]
Dimorphic Marking: Grouping of white spots on the top of the head and the shoulders

Personality Description: Watercress is a big, pleasant boy who enjoys sunning on the beach and slowly swimming around just to look at the pretty reefs around the islands. He's not the most active of Atopos, but it's likely due to how much of him there is to haul around...! He usually won't waddle far from the water and gets worn out quickly if he does. Friendly and mildly playful

Physical Description: Cress is monstrous as far as his species goes. When on land, all this bulk suffers greatly from gravity and he can look like a huge flat blob

- Strength: 4
- Defense: 5
- Speed: 10

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

Designer: Hannah--Bug 
Geno proof: Here