

1 year, 10 months ago


Wrecking Ball
Mother Mother

01 — Profile

Name ██████ ███████
Nicknames Achilles
Age 22
Pronouns he/they
Height 5'5
Epithet ████████
Proficiency ██
Stamina ██
Occupation THE VILLAIN!!

Status On the run!
Designer fruit_punch
Worth More than you think!
02 — Personality

Wild and carefree, it almost seems at times his entire personality went stir-crazy from his childhood. He's the type who wants to get up and do everything NOW! And will drag you along with him to that path. ██████ doesn't always mean to sweep up everyone with his schemes, he just.. Gets so excited about things! Doesn't everyone want to play a part in the grand show?

Achilles has always been much smarter than he seems. Due to his tendency to solve problems through sheer force and throwing himself at the issue until something breaks, himself or the problem, people consider him the brawn, rather than the brains of his duo. Sure, Icarus has the level headedness of someone who would be the brains, but the two have always known who was the heavy hitter.

It's not that hes an idiot, hes just energetic and impulsive. When in a situation where he's made to sit and think about the problem at hand, it's where he shines. His 'flaw' of throwing himself at an issue, becomes a willingness to approach the situation from every possible angle. Too many people make the mistake of seeing Achilles as stupid, rather than as someone whos incredibly intelligent, but just has a loud and stubborn personality. Someone who wants others to see how LOUD and BIG he can be!

  • Spicy Food!

  • Helping others

  • A break

  • Attention

  • Hospitals

  • Being Babied!

  • Fatigue

03 — Background




A New Life Of Crime!

Starting his new life of crime, ██████ played it slow at first, though kept his targets on those who only really deserved what he and ██████ gave em. It was rough at first, with ██████ still learning the ropes of his epithet, and it not completely taking away all his problems... But slowly and surely, he's been working himself up to where he is now!

Though lately, he's been getting cocky, and building up to such big things, it's bound to attract a lot of attention... But, that's just what he wants, isn't it?

Pesky Vigilantes!

With his epithet and partner in crime, ██████ has slowly been building his way up, bigger and better enemies, they robbed a whole Walmart! Setting his sights on the shopping mall in the city. Yes, he won't hurt any bystanders! Just nab the cash and go out the nearest wall, like they always do!

But god, those fucking Vigilantes have to ruin everything!

04 — Trivia

05 — Relationships

██████ "Icarus"
best friend / trust

His best friend and partner in crime! They've done everything together, ever since they were young! They might bicker constantly, but the truth is...

██████ cares about him. ██████ has been with him through thick and thin, and they'll stay together! Forever!

