


1 year, 10 months ago


General Information
Name: Haunter

D.O.B: July 19

Nickname: N/A

Age: ???? (Looks around 20's)

Pronoun: He/Him

Voice Actor: Ilay Boter
Physical Information
Height: 4'8" ft

Species: Entity (Took from of a skeleton)

Short Description: Haunter is a short skeleton with well built muscle body.

Personality Information
Haunter is not a sans nor any type of species, but a entity who wasn't suppose to exist. He is describe as a quiet, but emotionless child when first found by a Gaster in a unnamed au. The Gaster that took him is also emotionless, but decides to teach Haunter how to "fake" emotions so he won't be target to bullying. Haunter took upon himself acting like a laid-back, quiet, helpful, and mostly a mischievous type of monster.

Growing up Haunter begin to have an emotion disorder called, alexithymia. Due to fact that he couldn't understand his own emotions since Gast (Gaster) disappearance. But still put up with the "having emotions" phrase. But one thing for sure when someone mess with the people who are close especially his adopted brother he'll make you "disappeared".


Gast- Gast is Haunter's adopted father and the royal scientist. When first meeting Gast he eventually knew that Gast doesn't show any emotion which means he too is emotionless. He wonders why this skeleton took him in even though the fact he's faking it to care. But he believes that Gast knew that Haunter wasn't no skeleton at all and decide to be a parental figure for him and his adopted little brother.

Porter (Papyrus)- Porter is the little adopted brother of Haunter. Porter is the only skeleton in the family with emotions and wasn't aware of the situation between Haunter's and Gast's fake emotions. Haunter cares about Porter's well-being and making sure he has a good childhood. He support his brother about joining the royal guards which he decide to train him.

Undyne- She is the captain of the royal guards and friends with he skeleton brothers. Haunter actually taught Undyne how to fight before she joins the guards.


King Asgore



