Pierce Lee



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Pierce Lee







Sexuality + Gender Identity

Bisexual + Cisgender

Cabin Group



Pierce is your typical cocky 17 year old jock. But you maybe could already tell.

Physical Description:
- Hair is usually tied up (it gets in his face a lot)
- A bit muscular
- Usually has bandaids scattered across his body (very clumsy)
- Wears one earring - it was given to him by his mom

Pierce wanted to join the camp as he saw there were many opportunities to try and swoon his way into (at least) becoming Dolly's friend, Dolly being his ex. Although Dolly was the main reason he even signed up for this, he was also heavily interested in the activities, particularly the ones that require some level of athleticism. He doesn't enjoy the more "childish" ones, like journaling or scrapbooking. Once the cabin group gets lost, he is very quick to realise that maybe those forest documentaries he used to watch with his mother might come in handy (he doesn't remember what happened in them of course, but surely he can be of use to the group).

Pierce plays on the school's football team. He isn't the team leader or anything like that, but he likes to think he's pretty good. He tries to be an arrogant bully type to fit in with his friends, but he's not very good at it, he often accidentally just starts being very aggressively nice to people he tries to "bully". LIke your typical jock, he's full of himself and would probably kiss his reflection when he's alone, he's cocky and does things to try and impress people only to slightly make a fool of himself, and is (only a little) rude. Despite this, he loves giving affection, yet doesn't have anyone to give affection to (he's incredibly touch-starved but tries to hide it). Practically everyone at school knows him, he is fairly popular and has had many girlfriends in the past, none of them lasted long. He should try something new. 

He has a fairly good home life, his father and mother both being members of the school's Parent Teacher Association, which earned him the title from some people at his school as having unfair biases. Pierce doesn't want the help of his parents in succeeding in school, and would much rather just do it by himself. He feels a bit confused lately, having new feelings is not fun.

Extra Notes! —
- Was convinced by Cas to smoke weed with her sometime
- Gives really good hugs
- Has lipstick in his bag for whatever reason