Xavier (小飞)



1 year, 11 months ago



NAMEHis name is Xavier. He's a rock star! But everyone gave up and called him 小飞 (Xiaofei) because they don't want to figure out how to pronounce it.
  • His Chinese name is just a nickname style name meaning little flying (little flying fella)
  • He's also called that because he dreams of flying, even as a Ceta and with his damaged wings.  
  • He still dreams and takes the name happily!
PHYSICAL FEATURESXavier is a colourful Mixed Cetawing who enjoys Punk Rock Fashion!
  • He is neon and colourful, combined with his dark base colour, black.
  • He has a dolphin like face and two rows of shiny black shark teeth.
  • He has two scars on his neck. They do not affect him and look EPIC!
  • His wings are small and damaged. He cannot fly. He can swim perfectly.
PERSONALITY/ PREFERENCESXavier is a wholesome rocker. He is a playful, all round chill dude and a loyal and truthful friend. A great guy to have around.
  • He's an absolute chatterbox. However, when push comes to shove, he will listen to his friends. Not too good at it yet, but he is learning.
  • He hates swearing and will stop playing if he hears it, which can be a problem sometimes.
  • He can be a bit airheaded and blunt at times, which may offend people. But he tries to be truthful to the best of his ability!
  • He is prone to being distracted! He will focus on his friends only.
  • He is spontaneous and fun, but can be exhausting to be around if you don't understand him well.
  • He is extremely easygoing and takes things as they come. He plays what he likes and doesn't fuss all too much. His calmness (despite the noise) can allay the anxieties of some. Can come off as careless.
  • Extremely loyal, he is a fantastic friend and is trying his best to understand people more and to tread more carefully. (Especially Ace, who is so different from him)
  • He will never compromise his wild but easygoing nature though! He is simply learning to tame its extremes.

Due to his pretty... strange and strong personality. He doesn't have the most friends. It doesn't phase him as much as it probably would with other dragons. With his best friend Ace, it means even less... Best friends <3




Xavier is best friends with Ace who is very edgy and quiet. Loud rocker and quiet alt rock/ acoustic cover singer best friends!

Xavier likes the noise and the feeling of playing instruments. Lyrics don't mean that much to him. He is perfectly fine with playing any song as long as it is relatively wholesome and MOST OF ALL, fun to perform. He likes loud rock and roll with sick guitar melodies. Sometimes he plays the drums if the drum rhythms are sicker, while Ace takes up the guitar. Xavier can sing too, but he usually lets Ace take the reins. He mostly sings the screamers and the noisier stuff that Ace may not be comfortable singing.

Ace on the other hand, likes the catharsis that soulful singing and lyrics bring. He prefers the raw quality and emotions in voices. When he was flying solo, he played a lot of acoustic covers. He enjoys edgier lyrics and songs that allow him to utilise his warm but rugged voice to the fullest extent. It helps him to release the pent up emotions.

Xavier has gotten Ace to sing stuff like punk rock and edgy rock music; Ace has gotten Xavier to play and sing ever so slightly quieter. Both can sing an play but Ace prefers singing and Xavier prefers playing.

Ace really wants to do something nice for Xiaofei. He plans for months and practices his flying so he can bring Xiaofei flying.

They were always outsiders because of their personalities and their preferences. 

Ace is very edgy, up in his own feelings, uptight and far away. He's practically depressed. Think the guy that rains on the parade with his sardonic sadness. He does it unintentionally, but it has done its damage. People are wary of him and don't like being around him too much. Sure they include him, but never truly. He always felt like no one understood him. He always felt like his relationship with God was uptight... always an outsider. He sings edgy songs in the hopes of expressing his emotions, but immersing himself in the sadness only draws him away. Eaten by his own emotions and self importance, always trying to solve his sadness himself with more sadness. Ace is always grimacing and cagey.

Xiaofei is rather frenetic, blunt and loud. He speaks before he thinks, is easily distracted, easygoing... to the point of lazy and go with the flow. Furthermore, he loves punk rock, thrash rock and all those things that are associated with bad things. He never focuses enough to learn technicalities and though he feels chill with God, he doesn't feel that real deep connection. He is too distracted to even realise at most points. He knows he lags behind in logic and knowledge, but his frenetic nature impedes his progress. Always an extreme, he may forget his loneliness most of the time through wild joy, but sometimes it breaks through.

To most in the group, they were strange, deviants. They didn't know what they were looking at. These two were so different from everyone else, from everyone else's problems. Ace and Xiaofei don't blame them. Ace blames himself, Xiaofei is not aware enough or forgets quickly. It's not because they don't have faith. They truly want to believe in God, they just didn't fit in the fully clean squeaky clean mold. Ace was subconsciously labelled as the unfixable, unhealable. "Just leave him be, maybe God will find a way to fix him, but not because of me. I don't know what to do." was the mindset. Xiaofei, despite being wholesome and only liking wholesome rock music and the crazy style and colours, could not escape the stereotype of being a wayward believer.

They meet because they both love music. Despite they're extreme opposites they find solace in their similar situations. From that, they realised that all either of them wanted was a friend to care for and learnt how they both wanted to love said friend to the fullest extent. What started off as just singing together became trying to give into each other's preference, letting each other have their moments. Most importantly, tempering their opposites so that they can understand each other better, and treat each other better.

Ace learns to let go, to stop being so caught up in his own emotions; to stop believing that he can salve his own pain; to have more faith and leave more in God's hands. If anyone knew him, who better than God? He learns to open up, to hear other people more, to hear God's voice instead of the cacophony of depression. It took a long time, but being around Xiaofei really helped him. He saw his carefree nature, his almost black and white ideals. Xiaofei did not entertain negativity or stew in it, he was open about his feelings and pursuing a good solid faithful life. He also learnt to be patient, guiding Xiaofei in understanding more. Xiaofei was all over the place... almost childlike... But it was all worth it to grow with his friend. Seeing his face light up when he got it, it was more joy than Ace could ever imagine. Maybe... he shouldn't stew in his bad feelings, he should let people understand him and he shouldn't be so self absorbed. Let life's beauty show itself. It is there for a reason. Instead of sulking, he will do something nice for Xiaofei!

Xiaofei was confused and frustrated with Ace at times. He couldn't understand what Ace said or why he felt that way. Ace asked him hard questions... he couldn't answer... Ace was never forward with his thoughts and he was way more complex than he could fathom. Ace took time to explain, but his words went in one side and out the other... What was he even saying? Xiaofei soon realised he wasn't listening enough, focusing enough. Focus, that was what he needed. Being around Ace taught Xiaofei to put in more effort, quality effort through trying to understand him. Passion is great and all, but without putting in the work and forcing himself to pay attention, he could only stagnate. Xiaofei realises how he truly didn't know a lot and didn't bother to listen. He believed his good vibes with God would carry him through everything. However, there were more complex things out there that he needs to face... all without compromising his faith. What's harder than avoiding a bad rock song??? It's hard out there, he needs to make himself learn and listen more! Know more quality information! ROCK ON WITH NEW KNOWLEDGE! CONNECT WITH HIS NEW BEST FRIEND! (Ace: Stop shouting, Fei)

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Value: US$25