


1 year, 10 months ago


Race: Brooding Angel

Genderless (he/him, they/them)

Age: As old as the beginning of time

Israfel was cast out of the Celestial Above* and landed on earth thousands of years ago. He was banished from the Above and his worship temple was sunken into the ground as punishment for ████████████████████████. Although it has been lost in great ruins to the Overworld, he has continued to inhabit his temple and watches over it like a dragon protecting their gold. He rarely leaves it. 

Isra's role in the Celestial Above was to heal injured angels, prophets, messengers, and anyone else who would stumble into the Great Kingdom. After he ████████ and was cast out, he was stripped of his ability to heal himself, and thus continues to suffer from every injury he has ever had. The scars he is covered in constantly open and ooze thick black blood, and he covers his face while in the presence of others as his mouth does the same, like a neverending river. 

Ponies in the nearby village often tell stories of the "brooding angel" that lives in the ruins deep in the surrounding forest, but no one has ever been brave enough to go looking for him. Ever since his banishment, the forest his temple resides in has had a dark and foreboding atmosphere. When his temple still stood tall, ponies would take offerings to it in return for good health and bountiful harvests. Israfel has kept all of these offerings and unbeknownst to the village, has continued to bless them for generations as thanks for their loyalty. Some of his favorite offerings have been musical instruments that were left after having played a song in his honor.

*the Celestial Above is essentially heaven