


1 year, 11 months ago


"We are always accountable in this world! It is not fair, it is not just! Equality doesn’t exist, nor will it. We cannot delude ourselves! There are victims and innocents and guilty! We cannot be the same. I was born into this house, this life was bestowed upon me by divine will. It was not my own! I am not blameless, but you cannot blame me for being born!"

"My children are not nearly as appreciative as my dogs! They do not even smile when I spoil them!"

Head Treasurer of the nation. He knows how bad the situation is, and yet continues to occupy his glass palace in all its fragility. He keeps his glass half full, a cynic, he prefers to fill it with drink. Although his job is extremely demanding, he spends great amounts of his time and wealth lavishly in recreation. He greatly enjoys people watching from his balcony, and takes it upon himself to "preserve the integrity" of the neighborhood. He doesn't mind setting the example, and he has fellow nobles report to him if anything is amiss. His favorite thing in the world is animals, particularly dogs. He spends many hours a week promenading with his companions and smoking his pipe. He is the father of Jean, Nathaniel, and Charlotte. Husband to Isabeau. His family comes from one of the strongest lineages in the nation, serving as a bastion, an example to society of the way life should be. Though, anyone who knows the family personally recognizes the irony in this. A former naval captain, he also enjoys telling tales of his exciting past, with only minor exaggeration.