Enos Uta



6 years, 4 months ago



babusagi's flavor: Sailor's Warning

eye cling: "Well Done!" sticker


name: Enos

pronouns: He/him

personality: Enos is a bit of a special babu. A try-hard, some might call him, a stalker. But he isn't really any of those things! No, Enos is simply a die-hard romantic in love with a babusagi who doesn't seem to know he exists. And so maybe he goes to a few, well let's say, extreme lengths to get them to notice him. But who wouldn't? Enos is a passionate dreamer, not a thinker. And while his heart is so much bigger than his brain, at least he's enthusiastic right? He always manages to get out of the scrapes he finds himself in, thanks to luck or the kindness of strangers. And while Enos's messes outweigh his successes his mentality is that the journey is worth just as much as the reward! Really, he isn't entirely sure what he's going to do if he ever does succeed. But that doesn't worry him much- planning for the future is much less fun than dreaming about it!


spouse: Kimon

kids: Somnus, Solas, Chichi, G064


• 1 standard silicone shell | #ffb72d
    ↪ ▴ perky ears
             ↪ ★•• 2 short tails
✽ 1 3/4 package special tea | #fbe28b to #cf483c
     ↪ markings | #ad2915
▴1 package bubbles | #ad2915
• 1 set of skeleton supports | #ffffff
1 Levitating Bubble | #ad2915
✽★ 1 eye cling | #ffffff, #cf483c, & #310400
        ↪ Single eye is not genetic and won't pass
• 1 short length hairpiece | #fbe28b, #ffffff, & #310400
★ 1 set horns | #cf483c
1 eyepatch accessory | #ffb72d & #d55933

Rare Babusagi | 24pts