Dawn Strike Cat’s Eye



1 year, 11 months ago



 Name  Dawn Strike Cat’s Eye
 Called  Dawn Strike
 Age  Unknown
 Gender  Male
 Height  5 ft 10 in
 Build  Average, slim
 Species  Cat’s Eye
 Role   Assassin(formerly), Entertainment
 Demeanor  Outgoing & charismatic
 Alignment  Chaotic good


  • Rollerskating
  • Cheesy horror movies
  • Fun social events
  • Arcade games


  • Homeworld/The Diamond’s
  • Being told what to do
  • Strict rules
  • Black licorice




Crystal Gems


Dawn Strike can shift his shoes into practically any type of thing that helps him. Springy shoes, roller skates, spikes or other sharp things underneath to stomp/kick anyone with, you name it. He can also whip people with his tail but it’s not very effective.


To assassinate specific targets given by the Diamond’s (formerly).


”Dawn Strike Cat’s Eye, formerly just known as “Pink Cat’s Eye”, was made into an entertainer gem when Pink Diamond saw him and as a passing comment said he was “adorable” and “too cute to be an assassin”. After hearing Pink Diamond’s passing comment, Blue Diamond decided to give him to Pink and ordered him to do outrageous things as entertainment. It was very strange for Cat’s Eye to have his occupation go from skilled assassin to cutesy entertainer, but there wasn’t really much he could do to change this. Despite being gifted to Pink Diamond, she never spoke or paid any attention to him. It almost felt like he was a gift to her court as they were the ones that would stop by and watch him do whatever it was he was told to do, thus leaving him to entertain tired and restless gems daily.”

”A lot of the gems that came to see him were from Yellow’s court, exhausted and angry from the brewing gem war. A lot of them took it out on Cat’s Eye, making fun of and laughing at him for wearing outfits he was forced into and jokes he was told to make. It was humiliating yet Cat’s Eye was stuck in this position until ordered otherwise.”

”Despite the hate and mistreatment he got, Cat’s Eye gained many different social skills and became a very charismatic person. He even managed to hide his hatred for those gem’s he met! Cat’s Eye was tired of being chained down to this embarrassing and foolish position. Soon enough though, new gems would pop in and act a bit strange, whispering about leaving Homeworld and rejecting the Diamond’s. Cat’s Eye, overhearing these talks, wanted to speak up and maybe get moved back into his original line of work, but something stopped him. It didn’t feel right, he felt it would be wrong to tell the authority that put him in this position in the first place. These gems are trying to change their fate and be free— and Cat’s Eye was still stuck in this pathetic “job” he was thrown into for just existing. Maybe he should make a change as well. After all, what could be worse than what he was doing then?”

”So what happened after?”

”Well I’m here aren’t I?”

”Yeah I guess so, but how did you escape Homeworld? And what happened to the rest of the Crystal Gems?”


”Sorry, you don’t have to talk about it if you’re not comfortable. I don’t wanna push you or anything—“

”No no, you’re fine… maybe another time?”

”Of course.”

”Thank you.”

Others of Importance


Tiger’s Eye  [ Friend | Crush ]

Tiger’s Eye is Dawn Strike’s best friend and his love interest. They both obviously like each other but they’re both blind to each other’s love. Tiger’s Eye made quite the impression on Dawn the first time they met and the two have hit it off ever since.

HTML by Pinky
