


1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info




To start let’s talk about the most common traits others seem to notice with Creed. Which is his vanity, stubbornness, bluntness, and how he isn’t afraid to be confrontational. Some think that he enjoys it, that he tries to find ways to be aggressive towards others in order to start an argument. It’s somewhat true……..but if you know him well enough it’s a bit more obvious when he is trying to get a rise out of someone in a playful manner, compared to really wanting to start shit.

Now trying to dig deeper into Creed is a bit harder, because his personality can be described as a wild card ( which what Creed like to calls it ). So it’s like walking on eggs shells with the naut. Never know what will cause him to have his extreme highs or lows.

On a high which can be a good time or bad time. Good times, becoming really inspired for his music, very affectionate/flirty, throwing fun crazy parties in an old abandoned warehouse or grave yard, pulling childish pranks on humans, inspired to think of ways to help their fellow dreadnauts. But the bad which would be his extreme high. Creed still thinks it’s a fun/good time. He is gone for days because he has been sleeping around, his pranks become more violent/dangerous, his vanity could skyrocket having the naut think of himself as almost like a god, or thinks kidnapping a human and hold them as a hostage would be good for their cause.

Now for the lows. He mainly becomes very aggressive and angry. If it’s tamable, you get Creed in your face, a puffed out chest, nasty words being yelled at you, and maybe things will be thrown/broken or a fist in your face. But, Dante has helped him in learning to walk away from the situation and slowly count out load to himself. Other times when he doesn’t feel like walking and counting will help, he drags Dante away with him. But if Creed is tipped too far it almost impossible to get him back down. There are no words just action. One incident Creed was out numbered and nearly beaten to death because he just wouldn’t stop. Another time he was gone for a week and 5 days, but found back at their studio early in the morning covered in blood. And it wasn’t his. Thankfully Creed hasn’t had an extreme low in awhile

When Creed has his more extreme moods he goes into a pretty deep head space. So when he comes out he doesn’t remember anything. All he can get is a feeling of having been really good or really bad. Then just brushes it off.

It seems random but these moods can last a day, weeks or months. So far the extreme ones have only lasted up to 2 weeks. But Dante has been a amazing friend/band mate by helping Creed keep a pretty cool head. The only thing of note that Dante can explain these in tense moods, is when Creed mentioned the colony of terrors sometimes being a bit too loud.

Side notes:

-Really dislikes humans because the way they treat dreadnauts

-Does have some human fans that agree with their cause but still refuses to be friendly with them

-His music is almost always around rebellion, saying fuck you to humans, rising up. He does have a few about his own experiences, and two or three about his flings lol

-Dante and him occasionally sleep together

-Attracted to pretty things


-Has had angry sex with a human groupie, but that nearly ended badly. So Dante makes sure no human fans or groupies come near Creed

-Writing music is one of the things that keeps Creed level headed and calm most times