
6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Kayla/ Kay
Age: 22
Gender: female
Height: 177cm
Job: does whatever she want


Kay is an independet, strong and charming woman. she loves to flirt...  with EVERYONE, she doesnt care about their gender or if they're in a  relationship, if she think someones interesting (or look good) she shows  it and has no inhibition. she loves music and sings with passion. she  was in a band but she got bored of them after a while so she quit and  look for something new.
Kay is a really passionate person, she hates  to do something half-hearted and rather quit and start new than get  bored. she also loves animal (partly more than other person) and is  vegetarian and even if she will NEVER admit it: she is a total sucker  for cute and glittery things.

Kay isnt a person who got a lot of friends and she doesnt really need many but there was this one relationship she always regret she ruined it. the person she was together with was lovely, kind and warm hearted but egoistic as she was that time she didnt realized it, she cheated (multiple times). that person forgive her the first time but the more it happened the more they lost their trust in Kay. even if they loved Kay dearly they couldnt stand it and left her.
that changed Kay drastically. she still play around but never started a real relationship again, she swear to never hurt someone like that ever again.

Species: Gleamstic by cyleana

-doublecrown: common
-crown color: common
-animal features [red fox]: common
-feet: common
-glow color [pinkish red]: common