Momeki Kyoufu



1 year, 10 months ago


Template credit: @InsaneDayDreamer on DA
⇢ Full Name:
First: Kyoufu 恐怖
Surname: Momeki 百目鬼(どうめき)
⇢ Meaning:
First: fear; terror; horror; scare; dread; dismay
Surname: 百 meaning hundred./ 目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor./ 鬼 meaning ghost, devil.
⇢ Nicknames: Kyou-kun, Kyou-chan
⇢ Gender|Sex|Pronouns: Nonbinary | AFAB | It/She
⇢ Age|Zodiac|Birthday: 17| Sagittarius | Nov. 28
⇢ Teacher, Pro, Follower, Student?: 3rd year student
⇢ Sexual Orientation: Gray-Ace
⇢ Romantic Orientation: Sapphic
⇢ Romantic Relationship Status: Single
⇢ Nationality: Japanese
⇢ School: U.A
⇢ Year: 3rd year
⇢ Class: 3-A
⇢ Description: She tries to portray itself as sweet and chill but she is honestly pretty quick to anger, it has a very short fuse and isolates from her classmates a lot to avoid lashing out. Part of this is definitely fueled by lack of sleep.
⇢ Clothing Style: Punk
⇢ What type of learner are they: Kinetic and Visual
⇢ Optimist or Pessimist: Realist with lean to pessimist (tries to be optimistic)
⇢ Extrovert or Introvert: Introvert
⇢ How they take critique: Badly initially, it takes it quite personal before taking time to reflect and accept the critique
⇢ Name of Quirk: Fear Compulsion
⇢ Description: Forces the victim to confess their greatest fear in detail, the user and victim are incapable of moving their feet during this. Quirk usage drains energy from victim transferring it to user, equal to their fear. User will proceed to appear in victim’s nightmares whenever anything related to the fear they confessed is present, user will see all of these nightmares, if they are not asleep when it is happening they will witness it the next time they sleep.
⇢ Weaknesses: User has nightmares every night leaving them with a distinct lack of restful sleep, may only work once against an opponent
User needs to use their quirk to survive, if they try to avoid using their quirk they'll be compulsioned to do so
⇢ Strengths: If a villain escapes they will also be plagued by nightmares may have them doing a sloppy job, leaves victim shaken directly after first use
⇢ Age when obtained the quirk: 3 years and 10 months old
⇢ How did they obtain the quirk: Discovered after use on both parents, a very traumatizing event for all involved parties
⇢ How do people view it: Most everyone views it with fear, terrified it will be used on them calling its user a villain.
⇢ How they view it: Kyoufu is far from a fan of its quirk but she knows nothing can be done to change it so it has come to terms with its situation, becoming a hero to try and offset the damage it has done and knows she will continue to cause.
⇢ Hero or Villain: Hero
⇢ Hero/Villain Name: Phobophagus
⇢ Costume: Dark studded silver suit, with multiple pouches and belts to carry useful items and first aid equipment, has bracers and gloves with brass knuckle attachments.
⇢ Quirk Name: Fear Compulsion
⇢ Weapons: Gloves with brass knuckle attachments
⇢ Gadgets / Tech.: Recording devices hidden in its suit for recording the fears it pulls from enemies,
⇢ Endurance: 8/10 ⇢ Stealth/Agility: 6/10 ⇢ Intelligence: 6/10
⇢ Strength: 7/10 ⇢ Swordsmanship: 2/10 ⇢ Emotional Control: 1/10
⇢ Strategy: 5/10 ⇢Teamwork: 3/10 ⇢ Leadership: 1/10
⇢ Manipulation: 6-10*/10 ⇢ Prediction of opponent's movements: 5-10*/10
⇢ Health: 8/10 ⇢ Sight: 6/10 ⇢ Hearing: 3/10
⇢ Mental: 5/10 ⇢ Physical: 6/10 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━