


1 year, 11 months ago



Gloomblight is a master at mixing chemicals and poisons used to protect the convoy's he's hired to protect in and out of cybertrons solar system, Gloom has a presonality close to his carrier lilian. Being sarcastic and playful, yet with a bit of a twist this side of him is only seen around his carrier, he is a big mama's boy and adores the attention his Carrier gives him on a daily, he gets homesick alot of the time on long trips on ships, due to him being born on cybertron and not on earth like his siblings he has a more of a cybertronian based color pallet and can adapt to his surrounding enviroment like his siblings due to the heavy Xenomorph influence in his CNA.

He becomes upset and restless when he doesn't get his way to go home to his carrier and Hive. He can get erratic and dangerous due to this temperament, he does not do well with clients and will normally let His elder brothers take care of the hiring process and just do his job. He doesn't care if its and illegal convoy or a legal one the shanix he gets from the job is what he cares about. He absolutely hates being compared to other Arielbots/Seekers, 'oh you look alot like so and so!', is the worst thing to say to him. He gets upset over his sire being mentioned as he has no idea who sired him nor does he want to figure it out due to the pain it seems to cause his Carrier when its mentioned. 

Relations - 

Lilian/Acidviper- He loves his carrier and finds more comfort in her pressence then with that of a conjux or a good friend, He loves her company and compliments of him being her sweet baby boy. He resides in the orbit of her hives planet for the safety of if he got in trouble his Carrier is down on the planet there for him to hide behind like he did when he was a sparkling. He never has anything bad to say about his mother. and hates being separated from her side for long.

Cherry/Silverhide- He finds his elder sister a bit overwhelming due to her rebelious nature and the fact she spraypainted, His wings when he was just developing them, He sometimes complains about her rebelious nature to his brothers who all agree that shes a servoful when it comes to hanging out with her. Other then that they are on netural terms and do not seem to mind eachothers company. 

Delirium - He never understood his elder brothers love for books, and yet he understands why he will not let another soul touch his holopads and datapads, he himself is like that with his mixtures. They both love learning off eachother and seem to like to talk over energon/oil. They never have a hard time talking to eachother as they are on very friendly grounds as siblings 

Equinox - He is terrified of the largest of his brothers, As the mech towers over his sleek height with strength and brutish natures, But he has learned Nox cares for him and does not hold anything against the youngest of the siblings.