Alten Nightvale



6 years, 4 months ago


Alten Nightvale

He/Him || They/Them

Can be found on Wyrmrest-Accord || Theme Song


Before his death, Alten trained as a warrior under a regiment of his fellow quel'dorei, heavily preparing for the upcoming war. Despite being so wholly invested in training, keeping a serious facade during it, Alten was truly childish and excitable in his actions and how he approached life. He was often scolded, caught getting up to antics with his quel'dorei friends, dragging them into trouble and influencing them to join him in silly pranks. He was also flirty, working his was through licentious and sordid evenings with both strangers and friends.

Alten was set to fight in the Third war, all his training proved to be for naught, though he fought well, he was felled later on in the war, his body being dragged to northrend, lost to the aftermath and forgotten for 7 years, frozen in the ice. He was then sought out by a death knight on the lich king's orders and then ressurected to join his scourge army.

After being ressurected, Alten gave less concern to his previous alligeances, choosing to live for himself and his own needs when he'd been freed from Arthas' control. He still battles and joins in on missions, but more for his own entertainment; A way to get gold and do something to keep him from being bored and put his skills to use. He's still an incredibly mischevious individual, though less childish and more flirty. He has no plans to commit to anyone, having fun with his continued sordid encounters with anyone, regardless of race, gender and faction. He was incredibly pleased to find out that his ressurection hadn't hindered his ability to take part in one of his favourite pasttimes. He's more reserved than he was in life, but reverts back to his old personality when he gets comfortable with someone.

Alten doesn't get angry very often, it takes a lot to piss him off, he's mostly fooling around or excited about what's happening around him. Alten also found a familial relationship with an orc death knight, Grukzar, who happened to be the one ordered to find his corpse all those years back.

Alten has pale dead skin with a cold blue hue, littered with freckles. His hair remains silky and long, being pulled back partly into a high ponytail with the rest of it falling over his back and shoulders. His eyes glow blue. He has a septum piercing, tongue piercing and both lobes stretched, all obtained after his death when he discarded his affiliations and serious facade. The ice blue dragon tattoos wrapping around both forarms were there in his life, he had them done as a reward for his first serious kill when he was still in training.