wolverinemaw (Roleplay Tracker)



1 year, 10 months ago



12/25/22: Penumbrastar & Coldsky rested near the front of the leaders den, having their usual brotherly.. "banter" and discussed how the clan had been holding up since the disasterous flood. Penumbrastar instructed Coldsky to find, and bring him good news, regardless if he had to lie to his clanmates. Coldsky reluctantly agreed. Slatewit, their medicine cat, approached the brothers with a request--an escort to Crescent Hollow so that she may attempt to speak with StarClan once more. She said she felt hopeful that they would finally speak to her after over a moon of silence. Penumbra declined, claiming that StarClan should protect her on her way there, so she didn't need an escort. Slate was not amused, and began reprimanding and condemning the older tom, claiming the clan was in shambles because of his stubborness. Penumbra slashed the side of her mouth, pulled her closer to him by her muzzle, and gave her a warning with a claw to her tongue. If she could not hold her tongue around him, he would take it from her. Coldsky jumped in to separate the two, offering to take the medic himself. Penumbra agreed, awaiting eagerly to see what StarClan would say, or well, what they wouldn't say. END OF INTERACTION:

Coldsky - No Change || Slatewit - Disliked ↓ ↓

1/1/23: Penumbrastar stood beyond the border, staring down the bountiful amount of blossoming hebrs with nothing but the intent to destroy them. He did not need his clan venturing out into this part of the jungle. There were too many dangers. If the clan went there, he'd lose all control. If the clan wasn't tightly knit around his finger, what were they to him? Penumbra began angrily shredding the herbs, making sure nothing was salvagable. The rain poured down on him, he roared to StarClan. Why must they taunt him so? They flowered herbs beyond their home, in a place they could not go to, when they needed them most. His medicine cats had so little to work with, guilt flooded his lunds as he continued to destroy anything that was left. Until. He heard pawsteps. Penumbra disappeared into the brush, leaping into the trees to scout his prey. It was too dark to get a good look at which unfortunate subordinate he had to dispose of, but as his teeth hooked around the cats neck, a familiar scent filled his nostrils. It was Coldsky. His brother. Penumbra backed up, begging for him to leave, it wasn't safe for him here, but more importantly, he had no business here. Coldsky demanded to know what he was doing, why he was past the border... but Penumbra wouldn't speak. He kept pleading for the tom to leave, and then--Coldsky saw it. Herbs upon herbs. His eyes became watery, rambling on about a message from StarClan. They had finally listened to them! Coldsky moved to return to camp, to get Slate and the others...but Penumbra stopped him. The leader began his words with a nostalgic retelling of their past--how Cold had always been the one looking out for him, and that he would love him endlessly--however the moment was soured when Penumbra gave his brother a hug, sobbing into his nape before quickly clasping his teeth around him. END OF INTERACTION.

Coldsky - Hated ↓ ↓

spoiler text here in case you have character lore for rp you dont want to share!
