08. Malik Amirmoez



8 years, 9 months ago


Malik Amirmoez

Malik Amirmoez
Marital Status
Human [Quirk]
Pro Hero
Lawful Good
Glitter & Gold
stylish flair
inspiring people
being a let down
embarrassing himself
lacking confidence



Malik is a very confident individual. He’s known for his bravado and cavalier attitude when helping people or being “The Gunslinger”. He took inspiration from All Might’s bravado on that front. He didn’t mean for his title as a Pro-Hero to simply become an act, but it helped shoe himself into the role after he created his own agency. As “The Gunslinger”, he knows he’s able to do whatever comes to his mind and doesn’t let many things get to him. As long as he feels as confident as he looks, anything is possible.

Under that bravado and confidence, Malik is quite timid and unsure. He’s gotten better with his self-confidence since he was a kid, but it does come surging back to him here and there. He loves what he does as “The Gunslinger” and tries to emulate that for himself. Sometimes he does feel ridiculous doing it all the time but other times, it’s the boost he needed to get things done. Despite this, as either himself or “The Gunslinger”, Malik is kind, caring, and compassionate towards others around him. He’s always doing what he can for his adopted sister and younger half brother. Their happiness means the world to him.

Regardless of which “mask” he’s wearing, Malik is intelligent and good with strategizing plans. He leads his agency with several plans in mind to help those following them. Coming up with plans and executing them comes second nature to him. He always has an ace up his sleeve and a trick to be played regardless of the situation. He’s very observant and keen about his surroundings as well.


Malik is the oldest son in his family and felt he had a lot to prove to those around him. He vaguely remembered his biological father and doesn’t know much about him. So he was raised by Faysal Nejem – his step-father. Faysal raised Malik to try and be more confident in himself so he could inspire his younger half-brother, Asim. So he tried to do just that and was spurred to do so more by his adopted sister, Alexandria Bolton.

He spent most of his youth trying to fit in amongst his peers. Despite being shunned because of his skin tone, he had a hard time doing so. When he developed a quirk, he genuinely saw it as useless. He didn’t have much knowledge around firearms, his mother and step-father told him that they were dangerous, and so he didn’t feel too connected to it. Until he saw some movies with American cowboys in them and started to change his mind. After seeing a few, he felt inspired to reference them with his Quirk. When he went to a Hero Academy to learn how to become a Pro-Hero, he implemented the cowboy theme into his hero persona. During his training, he started to split himself a bit. He created the hero, The Gunslinger, to be the more confident version of himself. At first to give himself more confidence and later (in more recent times) to genuinely become that “mask” itself.

After he graduated, Malik was a sidekick for support and rescue agencies. He may not have been involved in doing a lot of fighting at first, but he later built up a reputation for being the “bright shiny object”. Something for villains to attack and look at while those around him helped civilians in the area. He also garnered a reputation as a flirt and a ladies man for trying to do some outlandish looking moves simply to showboat. These attempts often landed him reprimands but they also worked out and caught villains off guard as well. During his time as a sidekick, he ran into the hero Snipe. At first, they were presumed to be rivals for their cowboy gimmicks. They played it up quite a bit as well and were seen as rivals. In reality, they were friends that just played off the other really well. Malik’s relationship with Snipe eventually gave him the idea to start his own agency: The Outlaws.

Having recently founded it, the agency itself works in search and rescue operations. Malik uses his bravado to keep enemies at bay so those around him can help any civilians. Being a newly minted “Pro-Hero”, he still has a lot to learn and uncover for himself. However, he knows he isn’t alone in his journey and does whatever he can to thank those helping him out.


  • Malik's Quirk is based off the "requip magic" in Fairy Tail. To change whatever weapon or item in that individual's "set. Such as changing between armors, or guns, or swords. In this instance, he's able to "requip" guns of any kind.
  • When he's running around as Gunslinger, he has a notable drawl similar to that of cowboys. Which is what inspired his design. He's made an effort over the years to not attempt to use his drawl when he's off duty but it's made little headway.
  • Malik and Snipe are actually rivals and close friends.
  • If it smells of cowboys, then Malik is 100% all over it.
  • Malik’s appearance is based on the Ishvalans from Fullmetal Alchemist. Ironically, the outdated profile, in the tabs to the left, he was a sniper in the series' military prior to the Ishvalan War starting. His family is also from the same group and setting as well.
  • His personality, swagger, and battle prowess are referenced from Agent Whiskey. A character from the Kingsman: The Golden Circle movie.
  • Malik might not be able to snipe like his friend, Snipe, but he does have a preference for sniping from afar when he can. He doesn’t do it often and loves it when he’s able to do so.
  • His preference in firearms:
  • Malik’s “bullet farm” ability creates rubber bullets. He’s incapable of piercing the skin of his opponents but they’re able to leave something akin to burn marks.
  • While the list above are the firearms he’s been seen wielding on any given occasion, he can “create” anything that’s a firearm. He tries to keep it thematic to his cowboy vibe however.
  • His gun's base appearance before it shift forms, is based off of a nerf gun. The Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor with a change in palette and more of a gun like appearance. He's unable to use this version as a weapon however.
  • The hero academy he attened was Ketsubutsu Academy High School.
  • Malik only recently created his agency and became a full-fledged Pro-Hero. At least 4-5 years prior to the story’s beginning.


Quirk Synposis: Armory

Malik’s Quirk is called "Armory". Armory allows him to change the type of firearm he wants to use. He's mainly seen using it to switch between different types of guns. He can conjure specific guns at will and with ease. Anything from pistols to sniper rifles to even a rocket launcher. Many speculate on the extent on his “arsenal” and whether it’s simply anything related to firearms. During an interview, he simply said "if it makes a 'bang', then there's yer answer." His Quirk allows him to use an array of firearms to thwart whoever he comes across. He's often seen using revolvers and pistols when fighting villains, however, it seems it's more based on his preference and to keep people from being hurt by his own Quirk. If he's in a more desolate area, he's more than likely going to use the fullest extent of his power to fight off his opponents.

The bullets that he uses are actually excess energy he has stored up. Since he requires a lot of energy to change between which firearm he wants to use, he has to make up for it by consuming the same amount of energy he's using or increasing his intake of food overall. Most of his colleagues mock him for eating so much food but when they see the display of power he exerts, they're in awe about it. That said, the more energy he uses creating bullets, the more exhausted he'll get. His guns also can't use actual bullets as well, they have to be the ones he creates.

Ultimate Moves:

Move #1:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies. Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.

Move #2:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies. Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.

Move #3:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies. Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.

Move #4:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies. Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.

Passive Abilities:

  • Bullet Farm
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies. Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.
  • Passive #2
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies. Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.


Malik's Biological Father
[ Father | Unknown ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

Faysal Nejem
[ Step-Father ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

Alya Nejem
[ Mother ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

Asim Nejem
[ Half-Brother ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

Alexandria Bolton
[ Adopted Sister ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

[ Friend | Rival ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

[ Friend | Crushing ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.