


1 year, 10 months ago


PMD: EOS OC. An Alolan Vulpix with a bit of an attitude and a minor case of amnesia (alright, maybe major), Rune has a bit of a mouth on her and is quick to come up with a sarcastic remark, especially with her exploration partner, Malachi. Possesses the ability of the Dimensional Scream, which grants her clairvoyance of events occurring either in the future or the past, though she can't influence these events once she sees them.

General Info

Species: Alolan Vulpix (Shiny)

Age: Young Adult

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation: Bisexual


Malachi is the first pokemon Rune met after washing ashore a secluded beach- something that she considers a gift and a curse, considering he won't hesitate to talk her ear off. She can sometimes be a bit snippy with him, but genuinely cares about his wellbeing, even if she won't admit it.

Dielle has had a way of cracking through Rune's icy exterior where others have failed. Being the most open to hearing about Rune's past, abilities, and concerns, she may very well understand her the best out of anyone on the team.

Inigo and Rune's abrasive personalities are prone to clashing when training together, as Rune's sarcasm runs right against Inigo's straight-to-the-point advice. She refuses to use elemental attacks under the guise of simply not wanting to, though she's secretly insecure about not being able to perform many of the techniques at all, and hopes to impress him with what other skills she has at her disposal.