


2165569.1418592195.avatar.pngW I N D

== Male - Adult - Mortal - Bisexual - Single - Normal Jewel ==


- Fur edit (uncommon)
- Small gems on body (uncommon)
- Hair (common)
- Long horns (common)
- Claws (common)
- Expression (no rarity)
- Scars, torn ear, broken horn, missing eye (no rarity, Non-passable, due to injury)


David has only recently lost his eye - it happened a month ago, in a mining accident - so right now all he really wants to do is heal up and get back to what he loves best: spelunking. It isn't easy though! Only having one eye now means that his depth perception has been thrown off in a big way, and it's been really hard for him to adjust. On top of all the other physical exercises his doctors are having him do - to help his body - he has a routine designed to aid in getting his bearings again. The whole thing frustrates him deeply, but David keeps at it with a single minded determination. He refuses to accept the idea that he may never go back into the caves. He refuses to accept that it may be too dangerous for him now. Spelunking is his life, and David WILL triumph!

Jewel power of air: he is able to sense even the smallest of air currents, allowing him to never get lost in the caverns he calls home. Air underground naturally flows based on temperature and pressure differentials, you see, thus David can always read which way is OUT.