
2 years, 1 month ago


protagonist alert protagonist alert(aka she's the protagonist of the story wooo)

Name: Veil Villareal

Aliases: --

Gender: Female

Age: 17/18

Faction: Violetine

Powers: She can manipulate sound and control electricity

Skills: She's highly skilled at fighting and quite intelligent

Personality: Veil is actually quite shy around most people. She seems to be an introvert to most people, and goes out of her way to avoid initiating social interaction with people she doesn't know. However, once you become her friend, you'll find her true personality. Behind the shy and reserved exterior, you'll find that she is someone who loves fighting and arguing. She loves spars and real battles, and debating with her friends is something she highly enjoys. She can be hot-headed and impulsive, but she does try to not get on the bad side of authoritative figures. Granted, given that one of her closest friends is Hazarda, it can be quite the difficult task.

Family: --

Partner(romantically): Alun/Riptide(later)

Friends: Hazarda(initially), Verglas, Shenlu

Enemies: Impurus, Hazarda(later)

Other/Design notes:

-The two flowy things on her back are connected to the choker

-She doesn't has the sleeves of her jacket on her shoulders(unless physics so dictates that they fall there, and she lets them down as soon as she can)