


2165458.1418587230.avatar.png N A T U R E

== Agender - Adult - Mortal - Pansexual - Single - Teardrop Jewel ==


C Hair
C Sclera Color
UC Muzzle Edit


Farley has always loved the Kappa, a mythological beast from Japanese folklore. Initially this was just because the Kappa so strongly resembles snapping turtles - who doesn't like turtles?! - and they mindlessly hoarded plushies made in the beast's likeness. But then Farley got a very specific plush, on who's tag was a bit of actual information about the beast on which it had been based. And their interest was piqued! As they dug deeper into the myths, Farley began to appreciate the fact that the Kappa was, in fact, a varied figure - portrayed in many different ways over space and time. It all depended on who was telling the story! Now, Farley not only appreciates their cute little plushies, but also the Kappa's role in Japanese culture and how individual each beast can be. Good Kappas, bad Kappas, rude Kappas, flirty Kappas... they're really a lot like people!