Abe no Matsuhime



9 years, 3 days ago


Farewell, I pass as all things do... or not.

A daughter of the Abe clan, Matsuhime was a talented sorceress with great potential - until the defeat of her elder brother's armies prompted her and her sisters to commit jigaki. As she died, she swore she would roam the earth until she had brought ruin upon every soul who served her family's enemy that day.

It's been taking a little longer than she expected.

She's a quiet girl, polite and formal. She's fond of gardening and always gently takes bugs outside when they're found in classrooms. She's a Ghibli fanatic, and loves anything and everything coffee flavoured. It's her secret dream to one day go to Hawaii. She still use calligraphy brushes for all her homework, and grinds ink at the start of every class. She despises messy handwriting, and she tends to suggest ritual suicide as a solution to almost every problem. She sometimes draws curses in stalls of the girls' bathroom that trap unfortunate students to the toilet seat. She never tires of the same jokes.

Quote: If sorry was enough, we wouldn't have seppuku.