Vivi (Vesta)



1 year, 9 months ago



will be organized at some point I swear

Fire cat on the other hand (or..paw…) was born cursed, fiery heart since birth lol. Pretty leaps before she thinks, goes wherever her current passion takes her, and in this case it happens to be the same show Sunny is on. Probably is the designated causes trouble and has to learn a lesson character. Fire cat is pretty friendly tho her energy can be a bit much for others, strangers assume she’s some punk ready to burn places to the ground, but her flames are really just an expression of her burning fiery soul!! Her family believes in the lost 4th god (fire spinx) and so saw flame cat’s birth as a blessing, they’re very supportive of her and always encourage her to follow her heart

flame cat befriended kira when she was making music for a year? (she likes to tryout something new every year or 2) 100% still listens to kira's music, can come visit catalis every once and a while?

fire now follows ponyta rules: doesn't burn if she trusts you