Stone Blue



1 year, 10 months ago




a.k.a. #819EA8

Role ??????????
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Age Young Adult
Birthday January 30th
Species Colorian
Orientation Unknown
Demeanor Calm, Thoughtful
TL Personality Thinker
Miitopia Trait Cautious?


About Stone

Stone Blue (#819EA8) is a color-based OC. She's a short armless mage. She has weak-ish telekinesis, and she pretty much only uses it to hold/use her wand.

Origin of Her Lack of Arms

To almost all of other Colorians, it is unknown as to why she doesn't have arms. Some believe that she might've lost them during a battle, some others believe that she was just born with no arms. There are even the very small minorty of Colorians who believe that she does have arms but just hides them inside her cloak.
The truth is that, yes, she doesn't have arms, but not for the reasons others think. She was born in a small town on the outskirts of the Blue Country, and her town was being ravaged by Red pirates. In order to stop the pirates from destroying the town, Stone let them cut off her arms. Albeit extremely painful, she didn't miss them, as she was also born with telekinesis, although the power is not strong and she can only use it for a couple items at a time.
Because of that encounter, she had a somewhat bitter first impression of Crimson Red when they first met.