mint salazar



2 years, 1 month ago


male (he/him)
21 years
23rd august



mint is a character that i've had since 2017, he's part of a universe that i share with my friend melon (who created his boyfriend) we have over 150 different universes with varying development but the main ones i tend to draw are the main storyline and the gang au. this is probably one of the ocs that i'm most attached to - he was made to keep us both occupied while i was on holiday with no wifi and now we have a bunch of characters that exist in the same world :)


personality. ambivert

generally mint is a very outgoing person, he doesn't really take things seriously or care what most people think of him. he likes to mess with people and often seems like he doesn't think things through (to be honest, he usually doesn't. impulsive bastard.) however, the things he's experienced did affect him. he's bad at controlling his anger and can sometimes lash out or completely distance himself if somebody has hurt or offended him, and often comes off as cold when he's in a tense situation. he tends to expect the worst from any situation and struggles to believe that the people he cares about will stay - sometimes this means he'll react dramatically in an attempt to keep himself safe. in gang au this is more clear since he is in a constantly unsafe situation and is unable to let go of the persona he made for himself to survive. it's rarer to see the calm, happy side of him, but overall that is who he is

LIKES chocolate, cookies, pizza, pepsi, frappes, horror films, gaming, causing problems on purpose, comfy clothes, cats, horses
DISLIKES people shouting, black coffee, formal clothes, pipecleaners, bugs
FEARS music boxes, geese, abandonment

i am burnt out, i smell of smoke, it slips through her cracks and so I start to choke, sentences sit in her mouth that are templated, you waited smiling for this

key info.

  • he lived with his mother taeyang, father and brother - his father was abusive and his household was incredibly unstable and he wasn't allowed to go to school
    • he used to look out of the window a lot after fights, a few times two children named amanda and caden talked to him on their way home from school - they were too young to understand his situation but they became the closest thing mint had to friends at the time
  • taeyang faked her death to get away when mint was 9, leaving him with his brother and father
    • as they got older his brother got more and more distant and started to sneak out often - eventually he disappeared when mint was 13, mint had to assume that he was also dead
  • finally mint managed to run away at 15 after a bad argument with his dad caused by him being outed as gay
    • caden found him crying in the street and mint ended up living with his family for 3 years - he moved out at 18 to a different town
  • he met jack while working at a bar and they started dating, mint moved in with jack a little too soon since he couldn't really afford rent yet and it was offered to him
    • jack turned out to be incredibly manipulative and controlling, and mint was stuck in an abusive relationship with him for nearly 2 years
  • he moved again when he was 20 to the town that amanda and caden were currently living in, summerston, and lives with them for a while to get his life back together - he met his brother again there, and they began to repair their relationship
    • this is when he met blue, his current boyfriend :)

design notes.

  • he has hooded eyelids, eyebags and freckles
  • body type is chubby
  • the way his hair is dyed is very important but if you want you can draw it more faded with his roots showing
    • his natural hair is a light brown colour, the same as his eyebrows
  • his alternate outfit is a different timeline to the main one (known as gang au for short), he has more piercings and also scars specific to that universe
    • overall he prefers wearing warm coloured or black clothes if you want to draw him in a different outfit - pretty much anything comfortable like a shirt and jeans is good but go crazy idm
spotify playlist art fight profile