

1 year, 10 months ago



small calico tom with azure eyes, always wearing a " pikachu " hat.

Oh the Places You'll Go - I Fight Dragons

Give It A Rest - The Arcadian Wild

Changing - East Love

|| naming

Nintendo - creative and playful
paw - denoting apprenticeship

|| age


|| identity

transmale (  he / xe / it )

|| sexuality

aromantic asexual

|| birth season

spring / may

|| world/story

sumire's blessings

|| faction


|| ranking


|| mentor

yes, switchblade

|| religion


|| alignment

chaotic good


Incredibly outgoing and always seeking company, Nintendopaw is quite adored throughout his clan and considers himself to be friends with almost, if not, all of his clanmates. He's friendly to all of the cats he meets, and blindly admires any Alleyclan cat his senior. Despite his moral reservations, Nintendopaw desperately attempts to embody all that his faction stands for, the tight-knit culture, parties, affinity for unwanted strays, and everything else - including their ditaste for the Polix and violence as a problem-solver.

Despite his best attempts, however, pinpricks of Alleyclan's actions just a few moons ago occasionally breach his rose-tinted glasses. Sadly, Nintendopaw is too deep into the heart of Alleyclan, raised by its most faithful warriors and idolizing its loyalists, to allow himself to process the immorality of the Polix Massacre. Even in his moments of clarity, his cognitive dissonance and people-pleasing habits bury any doubts he has deep beneath his chidish faith in his those he admires.























|| Early Kithood

Nintendopaw, originally Scatter, was born to two street cats, Chessy and Sugarplum. The oldest of xyr two siblings, Ink and Cone, the three were incredibly close. Xyr parents often busied themselves with elite Alleyclan parties, or discussions of their pre-parenthood lives, leaving the litter barely scraping by most of the time.

With his parents often murmuring about their previous lives, Scatter often felt like an unwanted stain on their pristine pelts. Though it caught a few of their whispers of previous life, it often felt in the dark about just who its parents were. Eventually, Chessy and Sugarplum grew tired of caring for their kits, left for a party and never came back. In the midst of this, Scatter would become rapidly obsessed with the creations of twolegs, namely a franchise named Pokemon.


|| Late Kithood

The kits would eventually make it to Alleyclan, where Scatter would reintroduce himself as Nintendokit. They'd be taken in by two warriors, Gatekeep and Cardboard. Although the two constantly bickered - romantically or not left unclear - they cared deeply for Nintendokit, Inkkit, and Conekit. The three were happy and thriving, loved by their adoptive parents and peacefully playing.

But things will inevitably fall apart again. Within the span of surely no more than a moon, Conekit would pass away, and then the Polix Massacre would leave Gatekeep dead and Cardboard missing. Nintendokit and Inkkit's bond would be left in shambles, grief and trauma creating a barrier between the once close siblings. Nintendokit's obsession with Pokemon would only grow, burying himself in a fictional world as a form of escapism.

|| Apprenticeship

Apprenticed to Switchblade, Nintendopaw would overcome his grief, at least on a surface level. Relationship with Inkpaw beginning to mend, he'd start to flourish again, making meaningful connections with many of Alleyclan's members. He'd come to deeply idolize his mentor, and on their first patrol would find the hat he now wears everywhere. After attending a patrol led by Switchblade, Nintendopaw's leg would be heavily injured by a dog.

TLDR; Abandoned by his biological parents, Nintendopaw joined Alleyclan, lost his littermate Conekit, lost his adoptive parents, and is now apprenticed under Switchblade.


Build: small, scrawny

Breed: mixed

Height: 6.5 in

Scent: old books

Nature: enthusiastic

  • hat and necklace not opt.
  • has a kinked tail, opt.
  • paw scar opt.
  • the ears on his hat can be used to emote

A dilute calico with a primarily white body, and bright blue eyes. He wears a Pikachu hat and a Pokeball necklace, and has a kinked tail that resembles a lightning bolt. Nintendopaw is small and malnourished, but is full of energy and often smiling.


Switchblade is Nintendopaw's mentor. She's often distant, and Nintendopaw has a hard time getting a read on her most of the time, but he's always trying to get her attention or to make her proud. Switchblade and Nintendopaw often go patrolling together, and although most of his skills need a lot of honing, Nintendopaw is eager to learn!

Often, Nintendopaw worries he does not care for xem, or that he will leave, exemplified by Switchblade's more aloof facade. Upon provided with even the smallest amount of affirmation or care, xe will often get emotional. Always scrambling to please xyr mentor, xe value his approval over most others.

  • Nintendopaw is always going out of his way to support Switchblade's campaign for deputy.
  • Nintendopaw will pick up on certain parts of Switchblade's accent, saying words like her.
  • Nintendopaw is a staunch supporter of any of Switchblade's future romantic endeavors.

TLDR; Switchblade is Nintendopaw's mentor, and one of his greatest idols.

Inkpaw is Nintendopaw's remaining littermate. The two, alongside Conekit, were inseperable when they were little, but the loss they experienced has weakened their bond. They're not as they were as kits, but their relationship is recovering. Most of their quality time is spent in comfortable silence, a nice break from both of their talkative fronts.

Nintendopaw values Inkpaw possibly more than anything else; he will do anything to ensure her happiness and comfort. She's his sister, and no matter how many familial bonds he forms, nothing will ever compete with the she he grew up with. The two of them confide in each other best they can, and Inkpaw is the cat Nintendopaw trusts most, if not the only cat.

  • Inkpaw is the one who gave Nintendopaw his necklace when they were kits.
  • Nintendopaw is the oldest of their litter, and always paid more attention to their parents.
  • Nintendopaw tries xyr best to encourage Inkpaw to make meaningful connections with their peers.

TLDR; Inkpaw is Nintendopaw's littermate. The two of are growing close again after loss.

Sailpaw is like a little brother to Nintendopaw. The two of them play quite often, Nintendopaw's nickname for him being "Captain", and xe try fruitlessly to keep him from being fooled by Alleyclan's more sly warriors. Nintendopaw would not trust him, despite their closeness - no, not anyone, - but hopes to be a confidant for Sailpaw.

TLDR; Sailpaw is Nintendopaw's friend, and feels like a little brother to him.

Hoppaw and Nintendopaw are friends. Not particularly close friends, and Nintendopaw finds it impossible to understand just what Hoppaw is thinking when it looks at him, but friends nontheless. Part of Nintendopaw yearns for Hoppaw's approval, something that causes deep confusion and anxiety for it and makes Nintendopaw almost blind to his flaws.

TLDR; Hoppaw is Nintendopaw's friend, and questionably xyr platonic crush.

Blackout is a friend of Nintendopaw's, and someone he looks up to greatly. She's someone Switchblade respects a lot, so similarly Nintendopaw idolizes her skill and loyalty to Alleyclan. Blackout has a tiny, tiny softspot for Nintendopaw - or at least he hopes - and she is yet another warrior he aches to make proud one day.

Sodapop makes Nintendopaw feel conflicted. As a firm believer in Switchblade's supremacy in the deputy campaign, and knowledge of his peers' general distaste for Sodapop, Nintendopaw tries to be friendly with him, and admires him greatly as a warrior. In their convesations, Nintendopaw tries to ignore Sodapop's actions in the Polix Massacre, and has faith he will mentor Sailpaw well.

Trashpaw is a fellow Alleyclan apprentice. Nintendopaw sometimes worries the other apprentices don't like him, but he sees himself in Trashpaw's struggle for belonging, and thus feels a sort of camaraderie with them.

Skittish as Churchkeeper is, Nintendopaw tries to get the occasional conversation in with him. Nintendopaw finds Churchkeeper fascinating amongst xyr worry for him, and can occasionally be found humming a tune he'd taught xem.


Question 1 - Showstopper. "What drives you, child? You have awfully big shoes to fill, what, with being apprenticed to one the top contenders for Deputy and all."

"Mister Switchblade is going to be Deputy, and I'm going to live up to all of his expectations. I'm going to be the best Warrior, and she's going to be proud of me, and the whole clan is going to be proud of me! And I'm gonna make Alleyclan a better place because it's my home. I want them to like me."

Question 2 - Sailpaw "Hey Ninin! Uhh- what's your opinion on everything that's happening? I don't really understand it all myself, but it seems big!"

"Oh, the dogs...? I don't like them, they scared everyone and they made mister Switchblade really worried, and they hurt you! I'm glad they've gone away, even if I did a really bad job trying to help."

Question 3 - Trashpaw "Hey Nintendopaw, how comfortable are you with your place in this clan? Sorry, loaded question, I know, but, I’d like to have a bit of shared troubles, just for a moment with you, if you’d humor me?"

"No, no, it's okay! I don't really like talking about it - but but it's okay, you asked - I guess I feel like a bad apprentice, and sometimes that I don't really deserve to be in the clan, or that if I do bad they won't want me. And I really want them to!! Yeah - uhm. But only sometimes, haha!"

"I haven't seen my birth parents in moons, but I think they loved us! Family only lasts so long, right...? 

|| Lineage

Blood:  100% Unknown.

Adoptive Parents: Cardboard, Gatekeep

Dam: Chessy

Sire: Sugarplum

Littermates: Inkpaw, Conekit

|| Trivia

  • Nintendopaw is prone to picking up speech patterns from those he's close to, especially with regards to slang.
  • Daybreak, dubiously canonically, has named Nintendopaw's hat Cumulus.
  • Nintendopaw was one of the original 15 Alleyclan cats from Round One!
  • Nintendopaw's entire concept was built off of asking if a Pikachu hat was a valid accessory for an Alleyclan cat.

|| Likes

  • Pokemon
  • Alleyclan
  • Praised
  • Learning things from his peers
  • Trinkets
  • Sunny weather
  • Being given gifts
  • His necklace and hat
  • The forest, especially the mountains

|| Dislikes

  • Being alone
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Being inside of buildings
  • Feeling unwanted
  • Overly violent or closeminded people
  • His clanmates struggling
  • Conflict
  • Broken promises
  • The smell of dumpsters
