



My beloved demon girl

A bit about her:

She/her, 5'5 (5'10 if u include the horns), pansexual

A bit crazy and hyper personality

Very wacky kookoo but in a charming way

Think if cat zoomies were a person

Since she's a demon & doesn't really need 2 eat, her diet is composed of the worst things u can put in ur body.

Has a Greek accent when speaking english, can also speak greek very fluently

Since she was a Succubus technically can speak all languages via the 'mind control' powers she had, but, since she has completely cut ties with her job, her powers are very weakened

Used to be very muscular from her old profession, but now is a little bit chubby since she's stopped working out like hell (and she honestly prefers it this way)

Use to have 500+ tattoos, have disappeared since she got them in hell, and the ink couldn't stay on in the overworld

Has a few piercings, got them when she was hanging out with her other succubus besties

Used to look ageless in Hell, looks significantly older now in the real world

Used to have actual style, just wears whatever Blair has around her house now

Had a whole clique of other succubus friends in hell; they always partied together and had fun or vented to each other about what was going on in their lives, as they all understood each others' situations

She misses her friends a lot

Sense of humor is a bit aged and rather fucked up 

Ykno actually she just is fucked up in general 

Is currently in a relationship with Blair, who helped her get out of her succubus job

Loves nicknames (gets called Seph by Blair & absolutely loves it)

Likes telling stories of everything she's experienced (kind of how she copes?)

Prefers baggy clothes, in contrast to her typical tight getup she had as a succubus (it was very uncomfortable)

Pretty bad relationship with sexual things, verging on sex repulsed

Rarely wears her hair down, always has it done the same way everyday

Loves the color red

Can only go out in heavy disguise (which is very suspicious to other people so its not very practical), or around times when people r cosplaying or around October (her favorite month is October because of that)

Still learning about how current day stuff works everyday

Wishes she could visit her hometown 

Human life lore:

Was born in Greece as a human, born in 1916, November 17th (scorpio)

Was a very rambunctious, pretty girl that lacked formality 

Family would always scold her, and tell her 2 be more serious & what not, but she didn't care what her parents said

Went to hell because she killed two people 😋😋😋 

Killed her gay lover's husband and the woman he was having an affair with, just because she was there when Persephone had broken into his house late in the night

When Persephone told her lover very excitedly what she had done, her lover did not appreciate the gesture, to say the least

It did not go over well at all

Ended up getting reported to the officials by her lover, and was executed by firing squad in 1939

If you asked her about how she feels about her past relationship now, she isn't bitter about it anymore, after all she's had like 100+ years 2 cope

She does wish she could say hi to her ex at least, but she presumed its probably for the best, as Persephone would probably be the only happy one in the reunion. 

"lemme tell u how I got these scars" lore:

Persephone is a retired Succubus, but not officially

currently sort of on the run from her job

Lore 4 succubi, when in hell after someone dies, they have the opportunity to become any type of demon (not by their choice, more higher-up demons make that choice), and they have that job for the rest of the eternity

think like free labor from inmates in prison

And so, Persephone got chosen to be a Succubus

Besides, it was a better alternative than being tortured for all eternity

Had been doing the job for about 100 years, until she had been summoned by a devil hunter and was attacked with an axe strike down her horn, causing a gash in her forehead and split horn. Her horn would have grown back and the scar would've faded, but the hunter did use a specific weapon designed to permanently harm and kill demons.

After that, she kind of had a wake-up call on how shitty her 'job' was, and immediately wanted to figure out how to get out of her permanent job.