Lainey Mylo Bohlen



6 years, 4 months ago


Preferred name/nicknames: Prefers Lainey and will get upset if you refer to her as Logan or Lain. 

Age: 17 years old

Species/breed: Cheetah


Sex: Male

Gender: Female (Male to female transgender) 

Preferred pronouns: She/her/hers 

Sexuality: Demi-Heterosexual 

Romanticism: Hetero-Demiromantic

Personality: Highly angsty, hot-tempered, irritable, can be sarcastic and snarky, actually fairly empathetic. Has major trust issues. 

Job and where they work: Volunteer at a nursing home. Student at Juniper school district.

House: Lives with her aunt (Minnie) and her little brother (Charlie). They live on the outskirts of town and have a large swingset and clubhouse in their yard. 

Skills: Avid reader. Knows karate and is good at it. 

Things they can be found doing: Getting books from the library, sitting at the pool, chilling out near the food in the mall, taking walks as it gets later. Will not step foot outside once it’s dark though unless there is someone with her. 

Things they would never do: Sleep around, do drugs, smoke. 

Side notes/key information: She is highly suspicious of new people as she was molested and raped back in her mother and father’s hometown. It takes her a very lnog time to get close to people. 

Ref sheet/appearance: Primarily a light yellow in coloration. She has twin black marks that go down her muzzle, black ears, and a white tail tip.

Relationships: Close with Charlie and Minnie. Disapproves of Minnie’s smoking. Appreciates Ganache’s company. Strongly dislikes Mr Smith and Moon Heart. Hates Toby with a passion. Is on neutral ground with Jezzy. 

Pets: A brown cat named Burgundy. 

Religion: Not religious. 

Medical Issues: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, generalized anxiety.

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