
1 year, 9 months ago


Bleed Magic
I Don´t Know How But They Found Me

01 — Profile

Name Fern
Nicknames None
Age 18
Gender Male ( He/Him )
Height 1.82 m
Birthdate March 20
Race/Species Ghost + Unknown
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation None

Status Unknown
Designer @ Voidthecrow
Worth -
  • Deers were never so unfortunate

  • When butterflies are around

  • You don´t run, hide

  • From those to keep the life away

  • He got what only a prey could take

  • Shoot your shot for the dearest of deers

  • He never saw the light so bright

02 — Personality

He´s a conciderate person, if you could call him that way, not too expressive, seems to be like the type of person you wouldn´t normally see going around the streets, very shy.

Nathan is the person selected to carry a "imaginary friend", this being Fern, considerate himself as a ghost, no memories, just a given opportunity to live through a memory.

Fern finds himself attached to Nathan, being a guide and companion for each other, further contemplating themselves in a friendship, very strong and unbreakeable bond.

  • Nature

  • Landscapes

  • Nathan´s drawings

  • Stickers

  • Butterflies

  • Dark spaces

  • Being alone

  • Pastel colors

03 — Background

Past life

He was born in a very big city, but his parents decided to move outside the city, living in a little, good maintained house around the woods. His mother, the light of his life, the person he most cared about, and his father the contrary, an alcoholic, abusive parent, that hated him with a raging wrath never to be explained.

Was homeschooled by his mother, his father got home every time more an more disgusted with him, until one day it became a hide and seek, Fern saw the opportunity to just leave the house and ran into the woods watching a deer go by with him, his father, drunk, chased him to hunt him down, confusing his own son with a prey, it became night, and one shot was enough to get the kid and the deer, laying on them a little butterfly, for the scene to finally get to his father´s mind.

Soul state

After death, there is nothing. Darkness, a slowly consuming feeling of void, forgetting who you are, but a kind spark gets to reach your face and tell you everything is going to be fine. Getting through the light he saw an overwhelming colorful place, it felt like a dream, like resting in a bunch of clouds with the prettiest colors.

"Imaginary Friend"

In his soul state, Fern only remembers his name and some vivid memories of his mother. When some creature, the same from before but now more friendly looking, has an assingment for him, he can decide to either go back to where he was and forget himself, or to help with something important, someone needs to get through a hard time and he may help, he accepts to help, just a blink, and later being in the woods, looking completely diferent.

And hearing something, someone? His assingment, a poor kid, lost, or maybe hiding, Nathan.

04 — Trivia

  • Fern Nathan met years after Fern´s death, a whole process.

  • Butterflies don´t seem to be the same for dead people.

  • His appearance has this deer details, from the very own instance of his death, he was chosen for the later assignment. This marked by the butterfly.

  • Nathan is the only person who can see him.

05 — Relationships


"Imaginary friend" owner, has known Fern since he was around 8-10 years old.

Very imperative relationship, likes to hang around a lot with him, maybe some other feelings involved.


Nathan and Fern´s friend.

Jake can´t see or hear Fern but usually talks about him, or with him, with Nathan´s help, a bit of a love/hate relationship between each other.