Clover Jade Faustine



1 year, 10 months ago


Clover Jade Faustine



Clover Jade Faustine













Always I'll Soon Be No Good

Just my luck.


Clover is a tiefling suffering from a curse that causes chronically bad luck, they live a secluded life to prevent their curse from affecting others and have become desperate to find a solution.


Clover has very long light green hair that they tie back in a bun and in two ponytails either side of their face. They had never cut their hair and as a result it reaches down to their thighs. They have dark red skin with freckles, and striking green eyes. Their tongue is black and forked and they have two piercings on their bottom lip. Their tail is long and slender, with a tuft of fur the same colour as their hair at the end. They like to wear lots of accessories in their hair, on their horns and on clothing. They have amassed a large collection of items that were allegedly good luck and so they try to wear as many as possible. They also wear a pair of gold rimmed spectacles because they do lots of delicate work that requires an eye for detail.
Their outfit features many gold embellishments and is form fitting, still allowing for freedom of movement.


Outwardly, Clover may appear relaxed and level headed, however when in situations where their curse is affecting them they only have so much patience. They can be quite uptight when it comes to superstitions, making sure not to gain anymore bad karma by doing things that are considered bad luck. Despite their issues, they tend to be very caring and protective of others, in hopes to compensate for the misfortune they unintentionally cause. When speaking they have a soft voice that can be hard to hear at times, as a result of not speaking for years when they were young. If they talk to themself, they do it in sylvan as this became a lanuguage they relied on a lot in the past.
They tend not to touch other people, or enter their personal space unnecessarily, but they welcome contact from others, especially their teacher who often showed affection physically. Though they believe others touching and being close to them will only bring misfortune for that person, they secretly crave love and affection.


  • Reading
  • Good Luck Charms
  • Fresh Fruit


  • Bad Omens
  • Rain
  • Mirrors


Clover was born to a modest farming family and was the manifestation of a karmic debt passed down through their bloodline. Members of this family had often complained of bad luck but the curse itself became attached to Clover once they were born. From that point, their parents continued to suffer even greater misfortunes, but most often when Clover was around. Their crops would fail each year, eventually causing Clover's mother to have a nervous breakdown.

Knowing they were the cause of their parents' troubles, Clover decided to leave home at the age of 13, they would live in the woods, foraging and camping to get by. Difficult as it was, they felt much more comfortable knowing they weren't inflicting their curse on anyone.

They happened to meet a pixie whilst they were foraging and offered some food to it, not being familiar with fey. The fey took a liking to Clover and would often hang around them while they went about their day. Upon learning of Clover's curse the fey suggested meeting with Titania since they believed she was capable of solving any problem. Though not able to break the curse, Titania did find Clover and their plight amusing and offered a pact in return for them continuing to help and protect the fey they encounter.

After becoming more confident and making more freuquent trips to towns to sell things for money, Clover encountered a human woman who claimed to be an expert on luck. She gifted Clover a good luck charm after they explained that they were cursed, Clover had asked how she made it but given that it was something she sold, she explained couldn't give the information away freely. Despite this she wanted to help and offered Clover the opportunity to become her apprentice, assuring them that their bad luck didn't scare her. Living with another person under a roof instead of camping, Clover became more used to a normal life. They learned blessings of good fortune and ways to create good luck charms from their teacher, taking pride in the fact they could help with others' misfortunes without causing them any inconvenience.

The teacher and apprentice became akin to a small family and were very close, when the woman died of old age, Clover was distraught, having viewed her as a mother figure. However they took comfort in the fact that she had died peacefully of natural causes as opposed to the curse inflicting an untimely demise. This notion filled Clover with hope that a normal life was possible.

Unfortunately, despite their best attempts at warding off bad luck, Clover would still experience daily misfortunes. They had learned to accept this fate throughout their life, but noticed things were getting worse. Things came to a head when a customer was gravely injured when visiting Clover's homestead to collect an order. Though not outright blamed for the incident, Clover felt responsible nonetheless and began to worry that they posed a risk to those around them. They wondered how long until someone dies because of their curse, and set out with a renewed sense of urgency to put an end to the debt of their bloodline.

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