Seros's Comments

This is the love of my life, he is a dumb Buffon but that only makes him more loveable and his wings are so, so, so, so soft! I had to tell him I loved him and wanted to kiss him 5 times before he realized I was asking him out and I may or may not have had to kiss him(In which he may have promptly screamed and ran into a glass window) But I can't help but love him dearly and care about him, he deserves more than I can begin to explain and give to him, though he is happy with me just being there and loving him, also shiny rocks and cheesecakes.

just a little guy, leave him alone in the treasure room, the vault even! For very prolonged period of time! Don't ask where the crowned jewels went, he's innocent


THE SILLY LITTLE>!>!!!!!!????