


1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Lawful Neutral


Divine Pawn


Crippled War Veteran


Age is kind of a non-issue


150 cm


45 kg (Without the metal arms)


"One often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it." "Not everything's a lesson. Sometimes you just fail." "Too tired to live, not ready to die." “There are no prizes for circumstance, only character.”

Her name literally means 'not named', since most pawns are not given unique names. This is just what Thelo decided to call her (though her usually just calls her Inno). Like many pawns before her, she was kinda forgotten about by the Gods in the Pantheon. Especially after getting lost and maimed on the Overworld. She lost her arms in some fight or another (and got some gnarly burn scars along with it, but you don't usually get to see those). Having lost her faith in the Gods, she wandered aimlessly until she was eventually found by Thelo, who helped her get her life back on track, despite her protests. He even gifted her some magi-tech arms so she can have hands again. He also opted to teach her his unusual Arcana spells, since he thought it would be fun.

Inno usually acts tough and straight-laced, and she hates receiving help from anyone, since it makes her feel like she owes them something. When she gets into a fight, she tries to be as flawless as possible, and she gets frustrated easily if her opponent is just better than her. She doesn't make jokes often, and she doesn't laugh often either, at least when you first get to know her. Though once you crack through the no-nonsense exterior, you'll find she cares quite strongly for whatever or whoever she grows attached to. At the moment, she is (somewhat) regrettably serving as Thelo's servant, considering he did save her life. Something about "the honourable thing to do". And since he's actually probably doing something productive, unlike the Gods as of late. She takes almost everything Thelo says seriously, including what he jokingly tells her to do.

She has an average skin tone, and antique bronze coloured irises. Her hair, the same colour as her eyes, is shoulder length. She has a moderate amount of burn scars across her torso, and her arms are cut off just above the elbow. Her replacement arms cover most of what remains of her arms, are made of silver, and at first glance they look like armour (probably because Thelo made them out of her old armour). She wears a hot pink dress that's missing the right sleeve, sheer tights, and black shoes.