Ysolt Cyrian



1 year, 10 months ago


[Ysolt is a D&D character of mine!]

Ysolt does her best to keep up her half-elf glamour at all times,  however it is a concentration spell. While she can concentrate on it  well enough, using another spell that requires concentration (such as  guidance) will cause the illusion to fall. Her father lead her to  believe that people who find out she's a tiefling would treat her  poorly, and even evidence to the contrary is not enough to shake the  fear that was drilled into her head from a young age.

Isolt has a starting level in Sorcerer and a level in Cleric.

Character History

Ysolt Cyrian was born under a different name. Her father was a minor  politician making his way up the ladder in a former mining town. He  Lykos and his wife Sagita had been making quite a splash with plans to  revitalize the town and bring it into the modern era.

To the public Lykos was a personable human man with impeccable manners  and a smile that could charm a devil. In reality he is a vile,  manipulative individual who sees people not as individuals but as cogs  in a machine, tools to be used to his ends. He treats his tools well  enough, assuming they can do the work he requires them to.

Sagita on the other hand was known as a vivacious, intelligent elven  woman who knew everyone who was anyone and could entrance the listener  at any party. Her true form however was that of a demon of Levistus'  ilk. It wasn't Lykos's smile that charmed her, no, it was his penchant  for evil deeds and his sharp mind.

The child was thought by the public to be a half elf, her tiefling form a  secret to all but those most loyal to her father, kept by her mother's  strong illusion magics. Even some of her tutors were unaware of this  truth, despite spending so much time with the girl. Eventually the girl  would learn to create the illusion of a half-elf self on her own,  fearing the punishment should the illusion falter. Her parents had no  need for a faulty child.

One night upon returning from lessons she searched her home for her  parents, finding her father in the process of drowning her mother. He  told her that if she ever told his secret that she would be next. (What  was one more lie? What was one more fear?)

After years of careful preparation she fled into the night, making her  way down the paths of the city, coming to a crossroads. She could go  left, leading her to a life of crime and the underworld her father  battled, or she could go right, to the temples where her father said  things like her would find no succour. She went right, hoping her  illusion would see her through. She sought protection at the temple of  Sarenrae.

Though her illusion fell, she was not cast out, no, the temple took  great care in keeping her safe, ferrying her to a larger temple of their  goddess once the search had died down some. There she would be reborn  as Ysolt.

Today Ysolt continues to serve Sarenrae, believing that if such a  goddess could accept her as good, then perhaps anything is possible  through her.

Personality traits

Ysolt has a soft spot for those looking to change. She longs desperately  to be of help to whoever she can be, though she has obvious discomfort  when dealing with those of higher classes. She thinks herself eminently  practical.


Ysolt believes strongly in second chances. She believes that anyone,  regardless of species and affiliation, has the capacity for good. This  does not mean she'll stay her hand if pushed.


A terrible guilt consumes her. She believes that perhaps she can make up for it with her actions.


Ysolt fears herself and what she is capable of. She worries that perhaps  she is secretly on the path to being evil and she just doesn't know it.