Celestin's House



1 year, 10 months ago


So this is Celestin's house. I'll put some info on each of the rooms/floors below


some of the squares/circles are just rugs


there's a bunch of potted plants in the hallway
and Cel has a fuckin jacuzzi in his bathroom
and a fancy rain walk in shower
and his own fucking living room in his bedroom
and walk in closet


the wine cellar is accessable via a spiral staircase from the kitchen


all the bedrooms are p much the same besides Sirene cuz he needs a pool skdjfgjskdgf
then there's just the big ol waiting area for customers
and the bathroom has a bunch of toilets/bathtubs/showers/ vanities
i forgot to put in a sink pretend there's a sink in there probably next to the vanity area
and the lil squares in top right are hampers for clothes
o and then the elevator is deep in some alley between two buildings


there's a lil pressure plate with two sides u can step on one or both at the same time to open the lift
there's also a doorbell with a lil camera and intercom on a pole in front of the lift