Ruby Nakamura (Child)



1 year, 10 months ago


Oh god this girl is in many different RPs so I can't give MUCH consistent info but.

She has a cautious personalty, and is in many ways reminiscent of an abused animal. Which is fitting, as she is capable of communicating telepathically with animals!
She was sheltered from the majority of the world from a young age, taught all manner of things to take over her father's criminal business, and very little about how to be a well-adjusted person. And then, when she was 8, she was kidnapped by a murderous cult devoted to cleansing the world in fire. Not great. In most timelines she is removed from this situation either by rescue or magic. It's still left an impression on her and she is incredibly pessimistic.

Personality wise, Ruby is quite serious for a thirteen year old. She tries her best to be practical, even pragmatic. She also tries very hard  to not show when she's amused - though she doesn't manage that too  well. She's athletic, and consistently does her best at nearly all  times. That said, when she thinks she's alone with animals she can often  times be goofy, happily petting the creatures and sometimes even  stuffing her face into their fur because it's soft. Ruby is most at home  in nature, surrounded by animals, and maybe chilling with a book.