The crash-test voids



2 years, 1 month ago


The earliest voidmatter to be created did not have human bodies,but instead inhabited crash test dummies as hosts. They have a very close bond and consider eachother “siblings.” 

Uno was the first voidmatter ever created. Since they were the first,they often see themselves as “better” then others,even other voidmatter. They find talking difficult,and prefer to communicate via hand gestures and writing. they’re very sarcastic and in general kind of a jerk. They/them pronouns.

dos was created shortly after uno. they are much more hostile then their siblings,aggressive towards practically everyone. loves biting things. has bad vision due to not punching themselves eyeholes for some reason,but can still see. unlike uno,dos enjoys talking,but mainly just to be mean to people. They/it’s pronouns.

tres was created not long before celestials infection. unlike its siblings,it’s rather friendly,even sometimes hanging out with non infected. rarely speaks,and when it does it only ever says a word or two. doesn’t have any eye-holes,so it sees by generating eyes on the palms of its hands,or through the hole on its chest.drew on its own face to make itself look a little bit nicer. it/it’s pronouns.

Quatro was made after celestial was infected,but before his infection was discovered. they get nervous around people it doesn’t know and likes to hide.she enjoys enclosed spaces and he can often be found inside the vents and the walls of the laboratory. Any pronouns.

Cinco was created right before celestials infection was discovered. She’s decently more social than the others and better at holding conversations. It’s not very fond of rules and often likes to do his own thing despite what she’s told to do. She/he/it pronouns.

Seis was the final voidmatter to be given a dummy host. it’s incredibly timid and easily frightened. the soppiest lil guy ever. was also designed by a friend of mine shout out brainrotdotexe . it/they pronouns