Dove of the Bramblewood



1 year, 9 months ago


[Another one of my DnD characters!]

Personality Traits

Dove tries to be practical in all things, and only sometimes succeeds. He's a warm, caring person who is willing to make hard decisions. At times his youthful vim will jump out and surprise everyone, even himself.


Dove strongly believes that some combination of compassion, reason, and knowledge can solve most problems. That said, sometimes violence is the answer.


The denizens of the Bramblewood are his family, name and blood be damned. (Don't bring up that usually the animals you eat aren't seen as family. He'll just sigh.)


Dove can be close-minded, and doesn't always know when violence is or is not needed, sometimes jumping too soon or too late.

Character History

Dove was born Silduin'nara, to the elder of the Bramblewood and his wife. From a young age, responsibility was drilled into his head far more sternly than other children, resulting in a youth spent doing Exactly The Opposite Of Being Responsible, running off into the woods to explore and frolic and just all around avoid lessons. Often would he spend his time among the creatures of the wood, befriending many, including the silver-blue drakes that swam the crystal clear waters of the forest.

Eventually though, he calmed down enough to take the lessons to heart, even as the outside world started to infringe upon their lands. As a child he was taught that most problems can be solved through some combination of compassion, reason, and knowledge. (And that sometimes a little violence didn't hurt if the problem couldn't be reasoned with.) He holds this to be true, even now.

Not long after Dove reached adulthood the problem of the outside world pressing on the borders of their home came to be too much to simply ignore in hopes it would go away. Civilization was expanding, insistent on starting its trek into their woods. For years meetings were had between the elders and the outsiders, meetings to decide the fate of the woods. With each meeting it seemed as if more of the forest was lost, and while it was piece by piece it became clear that if nothing was done, there would be nothing left of their very own settlement come time for Dove's own future children to reach adulthood, and not long after that the rest of the wood would cease to be. Yet the elders proposed continuing on the path they had taken for the last quarter-century.

Despite being torn up by the prospect of leaving his home, Dove knew something had to change. He set out on a quest to find something that might cause civilization to reconsider its march ever onwards, whether that was some form of riches or some knowledge he could find, it didn't matter - whatever it was, he'd find it, and he'd save his home and the myriad of beings that lived there.

Dove has spent approximately a year away from his home, adjusting to the outside world, and coming to realise that some of his people's thoughts about those outside were misapprehensions at best, while others were quite accurate. He is still trying to learn which is which, but has accepted that he's going to have to have an open mind if he's to have any hope of understanding what could convince those in power to spare his forest. Sometimes it's a little harder than he'd like to admit...


Lhun is Dove's companion drake, who he can summon via game mechanics. Dove met Lhun when they were both but toddlers. From the moment they met they formed a healthy rivalry, though an admittedly odd one. In time they became equally as strange family, calling each other 'cousin' as casually as they used the other's name. As they both grew, Lhun slower than his elvish companion, Lhun came to realise that one day things would change.

Change they did, and sooner than Lhun thought. Dove, still some years off from taking on the duties of his elders, came to him in the night and informed him he would be leaving for some time, possibly years. Lhun, snorting, said thus:  "Take this shed tooth, and I will come to you in your time of need. No doubt that will be soon."

Dove simply smiled, took the tooth, and promised him he would.

Extra details

Given name is in Silduin’nara, and in Elven translates to “having cloud-grey eyes” – Dove sticks with something simple and understandable for speakers of Common.

sild’ – the color of clouds; suffix elided
uin – eyes (compare medieval “eyen”)
nara – applies the phrase as an adjective

Dove is still learning to get over some of the things he's learned about other races. He genuinely does his best, but may need to be smacked over the head once in a while. He's unlikely to hold it against anyone if they explain the reasoning.

Rhun is actually a nickname for the little drake. While Dove can speak Draconic now, he was not able to when he was very young. "Rhun" means 'blue', as the young drake is blue. Dove has commented that if he had been older he might have called his friend "Rhunnen'nara" ('nen' being 'water'), as he is of a perfect shade to blend into the waters of the waterfall lake they would play around as children.

Rhun calls Dove by his birth name instead of the nickname he's picked up outside the forest. Unless he's going to make fun of him, at which time he calls him Dove.

His hair is the ashy pale beige of a mourning dove's feathers, hence his nickname.