
Freya Ceruleanthis - The Spiritual wizard


Age 122
Species Cyborg human
Height 1.59 m / 5' 3''
Body Type Healthy and petite
Gender Female, she/her
Sexuality Demisexual
Relationship Status Single
Alignment Neutral Good
Handedness Left-handed
Specialisation Spiritual Energy Manipulation


  • Peace
  • Order
  • Nature


  • Natural Disasters
  • Dark Magic
  • Scientific Tweaking

With a cryptic background, Freya appeared in Carnathis as a powerful wizard with a legendary familiar companion. She helped the community stand on its feet and was quickly included in the emerging Wizarding Senate of the city to standardise the activity of wizards so spirits and humanoids can coexist in harmony. Freya will do anything to avoid repeating the past that made her this way.


Freya was a bright wizard with a brilliant future ahead of her. She came from a well-off family, rose to the top of her grade very quickly and was regarded by all as a genius prodigy of her generation. Hated by some of her peers in the Wizarding Academt, she didn't have a lot of close friendships. However, she did have the means to ascend with her academic career path with her familiar bond in toe.

Freya & Fryn - scientists for a good cause

She was the first in her class to have captured her very own familiar, Fryn. He was an awkward horse that could use spiritual energy to create small materials and speak with the dead. This gave Freya the push to ask about the how's and why's of Familiars; can one person have many familiars, can someone handle the familiar's magical abilities without them physically being there and so on. So, she decided to chase those questions as her primary research goal. Her investigations required meeting and talking to other wizard-familiar pairs so she made a lot of connections with the upper class and with colleagues with very powerful bonds.

This eventually led to her forming a large research team devoted to cataloguing powers of unbonded or wild spirits by capturing them and studying them. If they could extract their magic and isolate it or fuse it all together, they could speed up their societal advancements! It would certainly make the process easier, since wizards could only have one ability given to them by their bond... Freya kept on experimenting, pushing onwards despite the difficulties for the slim chance that maybe... her research could lead to giving the entire continent an array of magical powers to improve their infrastructure and--

And then there was no one - an unprecedented disaster

The spirits caught up in this sick experiment had no say whether or not they should be part of it. They were feral and very few of them had speech capabilities. That was the first mistake. Extracting their powers and fusing them together was the second one. Expecting anything but a large-scale nuclear explosion was the third one. Freya fought to hold onto her conscious as most of her body had been vaporised by the blast that obliterated an entire continent. It was a miracle she had even made it... no, it wasn't a miracle. She was just lucky to have Fryn defuse the spiritual energy coming straight at her and a few members of her team. Even still... she couldn't feel her limbs and couldn't move a muscle. She's sure she would've died if it weren't for Fryn...

Carnathis - the creation of the Wizarding Senate

Freya was transferred far, far away from her old home that had become a place of nothingness, a deserted patch of land now called the "Forgotten Continent". The corpses of the dead laid unburied, with expressions of permanent shock painted on their faces. The air had become filled with so much magical power that it was hard to breathe properly, let alone survive. When she came to, Fryn was by her side but he'd changed; he had transformed from a horse to a graceful white dragon. Their bond had strengthened so much it had become legendary, giving them both long lasting youth. She slowly regarded her surroundings and found she was in a small city of the neighbouring continent. The residents of Carnathis had tried her best to replace her missing limbs with bionic counterparts. Fryn himself made sure to spiritually connect them to her mind so they felt more natural to her... he sure was a godsent. She learned very few of her peers had made it, like Ember who was laying unconscious on the bed beside her.

The guilt of her mistakes never ceased to haunt her, but instead of giving up, she used her experience to push on and become better, never letting the past repeat itself. With the few survivors of the Forgotten Continent, she decided to establish a Wizarding Senate, that would connect the academies of the continent and regulate wizard-familiar pair actions. Rules would be put in place, condemning unfair treatment of wild spirits, discouraging heavy and unsupervised experimentation, as well as banning the publication of old books that talk about "self-attained magic". The wizards and their bonds would be utilised throughout the countries to help improve the lives of those without magic, by being employed in varying kinds of businesses to boost productivity. Familiar Bond morality became a serious issue and Freya would need to hold trials from time to time when wizards' motives would come into question. There certainly was a very serious case of wizards who wanted more and more power but most were relatively easy to deal with.

Decades passed and things were calming down in the city of Carnathis. The senate had grown to welcome new members to encapsulate more modern views on bonds... much to the concern of a few. Freya leads the Wizarding Senate as usual, keeping an eye out for people of malicious character like that familiar serial killer that had disappeared a few years ago... She is relieved to keep the order with her loving secretary Fryn supporting her. However, there's always much work to do.


  • Freya is one of the oldest wizards in the Wizarding Senate and she's stopped aging which is one of the perks of having a legendary creature as a familiar. So basically she's pretty much immortal (she can still be killed though!)
  • She's much older than she looks, but few people disrespect her because of her small stature. Her calm and collected demeanor makes her wisdom very clear.
  • She isn't always morally correct and the events of the Forgotten Continent sometimes drive her to make emotional decisions.
  • From time to time, she wonders about what became of the millions of souls lost in the Forgotten Continent. Had they become spirits themselves, had they bonded? She has met no other "survivors" apart from the ones Fryn had been able to protect from the blast.
  • She can manifest different kinds of weapons due to Fryn's spiritual magic, but her favourite one is her ghost blade. It's a precise and graceful sword that she rarely needs to use. On free days, she might spar with Fryn and his katana <333
  • Her lower arms and legs are technical enhancements since she lost all of her limbs in the experiment. However, due to Fryn's magic she almost feels them as natural extensions of her body. The parts are also stylised to match with and honour Fryn's past horse form and current dragon form.
  • She cuts her hair enough to keep it healthy and otherwise lets it grow a lot.
  • Her fashion is regal and academic, intersparsed with heart and cross motifs. She is a lover of expensive clothing.



Fryn [ familiar bond ]

Freya has gone through a lot with Fryn. He had started out as her awkward, socially anxious horse friend, then developed to be her supporter in the experiment of the Forgotten Continent... in the end, neither of them were able to predict the devastating events of their research. Despite their shared mistakes, without Fryn, Freya would have probably lost her life that day and she owes him a lot. She relies on his logical reasoning to make decisions in the senate.


Ember [ coworker and friend ]

She holds Ember in high regard for her unimaginable empathy. Whilst both of them have been through a highly traumatic experience, Freya knows her own caring nature has been depleted when curating controversial cases of familiar bond pairs. However, Ember is to be trusted to hold a more forgiving and lax opinion on most matters, which can help calm the atmosphere. She's honestly glad to have her by her side after the failed experiment. Even so, Ember's empathy can get troublesome.


Wefiks [ coworker and concerning ]

Freya sees parts of herself in Wefiks, one of the newer senate members. He's ambitious and resourceful, constantly on the hunt for his personal development. His experiments are... allowed, since he isn't toying with multiple familiars' magical capabilities. Yet, he and his familiar, Wallis, can be concerning as part of the senate. If his experimentation helps them in the long run then maybe she can reconsider her opinion on him...