Charlie's Comments

FORM: Charlie is an owner of a flower shop, fresh out of collage she's always known she's loved flowers but even more than that she loves greeting and chatting with the same group of people who visit her shop every week. She grew up with this passion thanks to her grandmother, who used to own the shop before her passing, when she was little her and her grandmother would talk about the different flower types and how her day was, she remembers after watering the garden they'd go inside to drink some tea and watch cartoons. Due to her past with them she finds comfort in her garden.

Nabi's name: Charlie 

Pronouns: she/her 

Magic: undiscovered 

About: (give me a backstory for this Nabi)

congrats, you won!

Thank you!

Nabi's name: They look like an Emmet
Pronouns: It/They/He
Magic: Can breathe underwater/air for short periods of time
About: They r just a chill little guy.  I just want a nabi who vibes.  They don’t have any crazy backstory or anything.  They will have a fish form and a regular form and it can switch back and forth between the two on command.  It can only breathe air a Little in fish Form and water a bit in normal form but it helps with the transition process.  He has a cute pond in his backyard that has fish that he swims with a lot ♥️ sorry if this isn’t super cool but I rlly like them and I think they deserve to be happy