


2 years, 1 month ago



Bolvinski Varis

ambitious . friendly . kind
hardworking . social . proud

"A hard day's work indeed but all worth it!"


Important Note: May have NSFW art where nudity or sexual stuff is going on (all tagged accordingly). Nothing major, but just note this as a small warning.

Bolvinski "Bowl" Varis is a chow chow and dire wolf mix. He is a hardworking individual that means no harm and usually wishes for the best of the people. Very kind and admired by many of the locals that live in the area. Recognized locally as a chef and owner of a small noodle shop. Has a hedgehog as a pet, his trusty sidekick and business partner, Fork.


  • Cooking
  • Tinkering
  • Spicy Food
  • Locals
  • Knick-knacks
  • Sunny Days
  • Garage Sales

  • Annoying Tourists
  • Loud Customers
  • Overly Sweet Foods
  • Not Being Productive
  • Rainy/Dull Days
  • Egg Shells (Don't ask him.)
  • "Delivery" Day

Design Notes



He is usually a happy, playful and positive type of character. It takes a lot to make him mad, usually the worst he'd show is an expression filled with disappointment. He prefers to stand straight yet comfortable, nothing rigid; other times when he is feeling playful or drunk then he'll slouch.


His hairstyle is part of his normal fur. Bangs always cover his eyes. You can give him funky hairstyles while trying to move the hair off his eyes! Sometimes he'll have a messy bun that should help keep most of the hair off his face. Hair is usually moved out of the way when he is working or out eating/drinking with friends.


Fur is the longest on the neck, upperback, shoulders and upper arms. "Chest Hair" line is noticeably longer on the middle of the chest and then it thins out and away by the middle and becomes somewhat longer as it reaches the sheath area. Fur is shorter as it reaches his hands and feet.


Will wear and collect any hawaiian shirts or any button up shirts with colorful printing on them. Tops are more than likely to be affected by his fur. Pants are usually anything comfortable for the occasion. Shoes are not needed, walks on digitigrade only.


He owns a two-story building, while small and somewhat old, the first floor is actually a popular yet old school styled noodle shop and according to locals "The best noodles you can find in this part of town!". The second floor is blocked from the public, but it is actually a space that serves as both storage and Bowl's living quarters.

The small apartment area while a bit messy with storage boxes and such, Bowl tries his best to make it work, of course the kitchen being the most well put together part of the house. Other than being married to his job, Bowl has a pet hedgehog that he named Fork, and is the mascot for his shop. Bowl prefers to call Fork "his business partner" since it is apparent that Fork has been present since the early days since the shop started.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ex mauris, tincidunt id fringilla non, scelerisque id sem. Cras hendrerit mattis dui ac dapibus. Donec viverra dignissim ullamcorper. Vivamus aliquet non mi vitae porta. Nulla sit amet euismod turpis, pretium maximus nulla. Duis a consectetur purus. Nunc rhoncus elementum pellentesque. Mauris id tempor sem. Integer tempus pellentesque pharetra. Etiam risus arcu, ultrices vitae neque non porta.

Nullam semper finibus quam rutrum iaculis. Aliquam est erat, gravida nec porttitor sed, euismod a erat. Nam cursus aliquet est, efficitur ullamcorper lacus imperdiet suscipit. Morbi dapibus iaculis varius. Curabitur id lacus at augue varius egestas. Vivamus scelerisque ultricies volutpat. Sed cursus nisl a nunc mollis faucibus. Etiam vitae dui imperdiet, commodo nisi quis, consequat nisi. Ut urna nibh, interdum ut elit id, imperdiet rutrum libero. Nulla blandit sit amet eros et laoreet. Phasellus vel dapibus est.


Duis aliquet tempor tristique. Vivamus vulputate ut eros a tempus. Sed posuere purus vel nulla volutpat placerat at sit amet massa. Maecenas accumsan nisi sit amet arcu molestie, eget ullamcorper lectus lacinia. Maecenas mollis rhoncus diam ut vehicula. Pellentesque congue tristique mauris. Etiam et sem id sem condimentum facilisis at ut.



Glyden [ Partner ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec eros purus. Vivamus vitae varius arcu. Suspendisse scelerisque leo vel purus tempor volutpat. Sed in ex mi. Duis tincidunt posuere. Vivamus ullamcorper placerat lectus, elementum iaculis metus pellentesque in. Morbi vitae eros lorem. Nullam nunc risus, convallis vitae diam et.


J-Fred [ Friend ]

Ut vel mauris et mauris euismod mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent nec pretium mi. Curabitur porttitor ultrices ex a feugiat. Suspendisse leo enim, porta ac risus eu, tempor blandit massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Character Name [ relationship ]

Nullam faucibus nulla diam, quis facilisis tellus consequat blandit. Nulla tincidunt imperdiet nulla, at placerat tortor vestibulum sit amet. Curabitur nibh metus, tempus et ultricies fringilla, consequat quis urna. Aenean ultrices blandit purus, sed rhoncus felis finibus eu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

code by 00Ishikawa00 | music player by @Bakuqou