Vox Tenebris



1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Vox Tenebris

Other Names:

Vox (close friends only)


Nonbinary (they/them)


late teens, 17-19 ish


Light elegyian


Per Aspera Ad Astra

Creation Date:

July 13th 2022


A young elegyian from a weathy family, but not nearly as stuck-up as one would expect. Vox can be a little high-maintenance unintentionally but is otherwise surprisingly down-to-earth and in touch with how the real world works. Vox Tenebris is the youngest of their family by a mile and is often outright forgotten by their parents and thus has had plenty of time to wander off and make friends outside of their normal purview.

With so much time on their hands and an interest in magic, Vox Tenebris evolved at an extremely early age and actually arrived at the Unnamed Prestigious Academy with wings already. They're quite talented but tend not to use their magic much.

Vox is very quiet and subdued until one crosses an unspoken friendship threshold where they turn into a huge flirt and catty little sarcasm machine. They're a little on the anxious side and think everything is a bad idea unless they came up with it, but all their anxiety can be completely overridden by their impatience. Steadfast friend, very social, very ready to eat the rich despite being "the rich"

Social Connections

Ad Astra - best friend and classmate at the academy. incidentally exes too
Sic Semper - classmate, buddy

Species - Elegyians

Fae-like elementals, elegyians are a reclusive race with peculiar magic abilities. Each elegyian is born with an acute elemental affinity, allowing them a small range of innate magic power. Most remain that way their entire lives, but with focus and effort, they can hone their powers to a peak and "evolve," sprouting either wings or horns and gaining a spectacular array of abilities.

Elegyians have boldly patterned skin based on their elements and all sport pointed ears and tufted tails. Those with horns grow spines on their tails, and those with wings have rings around them instead.

World Context

Lore coming soon!

> short

> white parts glow faintly in the dark

> inherent ability allows them to twist color wavelengths
> evolved abilities gives them control over ambient visible-spectrum light entirely, allowing them to do things like shroud stuff with invisibility, flashbang, or bring a room into blackout

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Primary Notes
> other eye is purple
> dusting of cheek freckles

> earrings only on one ear
> bracelets on white arm are black
> CHUNKY sneakers
> inner side of shoes has a cool color rainbow, outer side has warm colors

Other Stuff
> Petite. littol guy
> decided i dont like drawing butterfly wings so please go with feathered wing look!!!!