Timothy Markus Adams



1 year, 10 months ago


Full name: Timothy Markus Adams

Age: 44

Height: 5.10

Hair: Messy, curly and short. Chestnut brown

Eyes: Dark umber

Skin: Pale and sensitive 

Build: Stubby. Rectangular body type 

Birthday: July 18th

     Timothy is a biology scientist who lives in a tiny apartment in Wyoming with his alien roommate (she has no name). 

     He is a very quiet and introverted dude who knows everything about science (and geeks out about it very often), but nothing about people and how to socialize with them. 

      The only human interaction he ever gets is at IHOP at 3 am whenever he’s quickly grabbing something to eat before continuing his experiments.

     Because he knows nothing about how normal people behave, he often tends to mimic the way other people act when he meets them. Because of this and the fact that he doesn’t know that his roommate isn’t actually human, he often finds himself behaving like anything but a human. His roommate ends up in the same situation since she isn’t also attempting to mimic her awkward roommate in order to appear human.

     One day during his studies, Timothy managed to accidentally discover a strange, tar-like creature. The dark blob came into contact with him, though, and ended up becoming a parasite feeding of Timothy as it’s host.

     He also has a pet hamster named Todd. This hamster is actually a failed science experiment, and now it is an invincible hamster. Timothy often talks to/of this hamster as though it were an actual person, causing others to believe that Todd is his lab partner. Todd is his only friend


Blueberry waffles, Todd, larkspur flowers, black coffee, classical music, the night, science, cleanliness, French grey, talking to himself, peace and quiet.


 Human interactions, cats (he’s allergic), marriage (he divorced twice), turtlenecks, the sun, fixing his hair, messes, candy, the ocean.

Random facts:

 He thinks he forgot his roommates name, so he always comes up with any excuse to avoid saying it (but he doesn’t know that she has no name). He is farsighted. He does sound recordings for everything he does and mentions Todd very often. Sleeps never. His brows are always furrowed. Always has a notebook and pen with him (usually in his satchel). He’s a clean freak. He was born in Arizona but hates the place due to his family and aunts that never take him seriously. He has distant Greek blood in him