


6 years, 3 months ago


Crimson Emilia Brooks || Female || 21 || Canine || Lesbian || Single

6171832_3IpeOZK1R8Irp4r.png Really needs therapy 

Great liar

Angry a lot of the time 

Most of her problems are her own fault

Cant bring herself to trust anyone

Very scared of being abandoned and feels like everyone has abandoned her

Her family has a magic power that is sometimes passed down through genetics 

Crimson has this power but has never encountered it

Her parents moved to a remote house in the woods to hide Crimson

Parents were killed when she was younger, now she is traveling all over in search for the killer 

She will never find the killer, she's just holding onto the though of finding them because she can process the grief of losing her parents

Likes the sea and cities 

Loves cafes

Hates forests 

Insists that she isn't a lesbian as she cant accept the fact she is 

Sometimes forces herself to be with guys and gets mad at them when they try to initiate anything

She really needs a hug but will tell you she doesn't 

♜ Likes playing chess and is pretty good at it

♜ Scared of fire
