Amp's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

StormHeart413 Global Rules

I, the artist, hold every right to the produced drawing, not the commissioner.

Therefore I´m allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to;

  • Promote myself with in any place or site.
  • To display it anywhere to my liking.
  • Post it wherever I want.

The commissioner is allowed to;

  • Use the copyrighted artwork for personal use only unless agreed otherwise.
  • Print the art, and claim the right of their character(s) but not the drawing itself.
  • Use the art to promote themselves with proper credit given to the artist.
  • Make alterations to the commissioned design, but not the point of being unrecognizable.

If you break the copyright infringement in any way, every right you had to the drawing will be retracted and you will be added to my blacklist

The following is considered Copyright infringement:

  • Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork or design commercially. (Meaning making money of it in any way)
  • Taking Credit for the creation of the artwork or design.
  • Removing any watermarks/signatures.
  • Altering the artwork without my, the artist´s, consent.

A Purchase of Commercial rights to the artwork will always be 300% of original price.

With commercial rights you are allowed to make any sort of merch with the artwork or design.

Use it in books, covers, as Props, change it to your liking and promote your own brand with.

Credit is still required for usage of the artwork, even if altered or edited.

You must let me know if the design goes to a new home.

You cannot sell the design for more than you got it for (Unless there are commissioned/traded works of value involved)

If you wish to make an ALTERNATE design of the character for a species, that is fine so long as I am given credit for the original/base design and am informed.