Bestiary (Unicorns)



1 year, 10 months ago


Indus Spotted Unicorn (Monoceros indicus)


  • Tropical Savanna
  • Tropical Rainforest


  • 1'0" forward-curving horn
  • Small unicorn (< 5'0")


  • Extinct
  • Forms herds of 30 members

The Indus Spotted is believed to have been the first modern unicorn. Although now extinct, they were found on the Indian subcontinent in what was then the Indus River Valley, but now known as India, Pakistan, and the lower valleys of the Hindu Kush and the Himalayas. They were one of the more social of the genus, living in herds of up to 30 individuals. They were surprisingly docile for their kind, which is hypothesised to be a factor in their extinction.

  • One of their favourite foods was jackfruit, where they would use their large canines and natural strength to cut through and crack open the spiny peel to get to the sweet flesh inside.
  • The Indus Spotted was a natural story-teller and is considered the originator of the unicorn culture's rich mythology.
  • Natural dyes from roots and leaves were popularly used as body paint, with the multitude of colours created representing status and family lineage.

Persian Unicorn (Monoceros aureus)


  • Sub-tropical Desert
  • Xeric Shrubland
  • Temperate Grassland
  • Temperate Broadleaf


  • 3'0" backward-curving horn
  • Large unicorn (> 6'0")


  • Extinct
  • Herds in groups of 5 to 10

One of the larger of the genus, the Persian’s muscular stature made it one of the more dangerous creatures of its time. They’re extinct now, but find a close cousin in the still-living Caspian Unicorn. Persians kept to smaller groups of 5 to 10 individuals as they prowled the plains and deserts of Western Asia. They’re particularly talkative creatures; their bellows and ultrasonic calls can span for miles.

  • Particularly nomadic, having had the largest span of roaming territory of all unicorns.
  • Persians were rather quite terrifying creatures. Aside from their intimidating size, herds would stalk their prey for days or weeks and upon exhuasting their target, will swarm around them with their raucous bellows before delivering the killing blow.

Highland Caspian Unicorn (Monoceros akaina major)


  • Mountain
  • Alpine Steppe
  • Temperate Coniferous


  • 2'8" backward-curving horn
  • Large unicorn (> 6'0")


  • Extant
  • Herds in groups of 3 to 8

A close cousin to the now extinct Persian Unicorn, sharing their muscular figure and fearsome disposition along with their powerful bellows. Highlands keep to smaller groups of 3 to 8 members and are particularly territorial, commonly feuding with the Caucasus Drake for food and territory.

  • Highlands are one of the less social of their genus, that much is clear in their beahviourisms. Territorial and antisocial, they make drumming-like grunts to outsiders to warn them before forcefully chasing them off.
  • Despite their aggressive and brutal nature, Highlands are fond of the arts, specifically in the realm of music and poetry.

Lowland/White-eared Caspian Unicorn (Monoceros akaina leucotis)


  • Temperate Coniferous
  • Sub-tropical Desert
  • Temperate Steppe


  • 2'7" backward-curving horn
  • Large unicorn (> 6'0")


  • Extant
  • Herds in groups of 12 to 15

Closely related to the now extinct Persian, sharing in their intimidating hunting tactics and survivability in the arid steppes and deserts of western and central Asia. Lowlands live in groups of about a dozen members as nomads across western and central asia.

  • Lowlands, along with Aksumites, are considered the experts of coexisting with other animals for hunting companions. Herds will commonly tame a solitary or pair of golden eagles to assist in hunting, and are particularly fond of their pets.
  • Of the west and central Asian species, the Lowland is the fastest, running at upwards of 55 mph.

Ctesian Unicorn (Monoceros cornucoloreus)


  • Tropical Savanna
  • Tropical Rainforest


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Shadhavar/Singing Unicorn (Monoceros cantus)


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Karkadann/Scimitar Unicorn (Monoceros indomitus)


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Aksumite Unicorn (Monoceros rufinus)


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

White-Spotted/Scottish Unicorn (Monoceros alba)


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Dacian Unicorn (Monoceros psithuros)


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Alps Unicorn (Monoceros muta)


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Qilin/Asiatic Unicorn (Monoceros xenius)


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Extant
  • Unknown

Give a brief overview of the creature here. Vivamus at tellus et leo vulputate sodales. Donec feugiat auctor lectus, non rhoncus ex scelerisque a. Pellentesque venenatis ante eu lacus rutrum pretium nec id risus. Fusce fermentum orci at sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam eu ligula nec enim tincidunt cursus quis id sem. Etiam justo magna, maximus eget augue eu, rhoncus vulputate urna.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.
Code by Aurorean