


1 year, 10 months ago


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The Talkshow Host Ever


Name Charlotte
Birthday Janurary 26
Age Mature (idk)
Gender Female
Fav Bread Croutons
Occupation Talkshow Host
Height 5'6"


  • Talking
  • Coffee


  • Friendly
  • Petty

Charlotte is the number ONE talkshow host of Alola!!! No one should dare compete, lest they be told the exact time and date of their death.

All's well that ends well

Charlotte is a little gay.

Let's Not Talk About It.

There once was a time where Charlotte had befriended a curious little character named Cloud. Cloud was a swablu just trying to make ends meet, she could sympathize with him. It also happened that she required one of her services, aka a sort of taxi ride. Except... the taxi was Cloud.

Charlotte was happy that she could help her friend out, and Cloud was happy to have a job. This also meant more time together as pals, making it in the big island of Alola. That was, until one day, Cloud had made a big slip up.

It started off just like any other day as a human taxi, he was listening to Charlotte tell him where to go, and together they took off into the skies. However, perhaps today Charlotte was a little more content with the comfortable silence of being flown through the sky, maybe too much so. As the two were flying, the gardevoir closed her eyes, hoping to get a couple seconds of extra sleep in. In just those few seconds, she had been dropped. She didn't notice until she was seconds from the ground, though.

The next time she awoke, she was in a hospital.

To say she was shocked, appalled, or angry would be an understatement. The day after she fully recovered, she immediately returned to work looking to seek justice for what had happened to her in the only way she knew how, complaining to her audience. This led to Cloud losing her job as a taxi. Now, as to why Charlotte was dropped in the first place, she doesn't know, nor would she be willing to ask.


  • Can teleport.
  • Likes being right.
  • Is fprmer friends with Cloud!?!?



Cloud [ oh ]

to be decided for SHORE!!!


Character [ what ]
