


1 year, 10 months ago




"Do I *have* to?"

NAME Raccoonspring
CLAN SoaringClan
AGE 40 moons
RANK Guardian
GENDER Tom [he/him]
ALIGNMENT Chaotic good

A gray-and-white tabby tom with a banded tail, darker facial mask, and remarkably messy fur.



Considerate, personable, clever

Chummy, sarcastic

Lazy, unambitious, manipulative


Raccoonspring is a tom with many talents, yet he prefers to take life at a slow pace and stop to smell the flowers. Except, when he pauses to sniff said flowers, he tends to lay down in the meadow and take a long nap in the sunshine at the most inconvenient of times. The young tom is outright lazy and lacks ambitions, in contrast to Stonestar. Over his lifetime, this created a divide between Raccoonspring and his mother who, while she loved him dearly, grew frustrated with his lack of motivation to become anything particularly great. Nonetheless, he's very supportive and makes for an excellent companion despite his evident flaws. While he may not be attentive on patrols, he still makes use of himself by supporting Stonestar to the best of his abilities. His friendly behavior comes off as quite chummy- no matter your position in the clan, do not expect any "special" treatment or titles. You will always be "hey there!", "friend", "brother", or "pal".
It's easy to pass over the tom and consider him to be anything but a threat. Yet, the tom packs some serious intelligence and loyalty to his clan (especially his family, full or not) that shouldn't be doubted. Raccoonspring is remarkably clever and can be the strategic sort. While he doesn't like to head out and do anything, with some urging and prodding, he'll get out there and do things the right way, and surprisingly productively if it's something serious. That's also the problem with his intelligence- he likes to abuse it. He can be very manipulative and surprisingly capable of charisma when he doesn't want to do something. While he loves Stonestar dearly and would surely die for him, having his brother as leader can be a very...useful thing, when it comes to getting out of duties.
The thing is, he's very considerate and caring for his clan and family. His goal, if anything, is to ensure that everyone's content and thriving. While Raccoonspring has no interest in earning a high rank, or becoming a remarkable warrior, or even going down in history...he does want to make sure everyone's safe and feeling the love. Don't pass him up for one-on-one time. While he loves his naps, he's happy to participate in a conversation, or be a shoulder to lean on (...so long as it doesn't require patrols/physical movement). While Stonestar wasn't fond of having half-siblings, Raccoonspring embraced his growing family. He's very accepting of new faces and friends, so long as they don't strike him as someone untrustworthy.







sick pmv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYablTCl0UU.

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Raccoonkit’s mother and father were expecting his litter at the time when Leaf and Cloud began their dispute over the Headlights. The relationship between Lakesplash and Mistyfern began to sour when the former was out of camp more and more for duties. In fact, he wasn’t even around when the litter arrived, leading the queen to name all three herself: Stonekit, Brookkit, and Raccoonkit.
It was hard to bond with his father- he wasn’t around that often, after all. Nonetheless, he wasn’t too troublesome of a kitten, so it wasn’t like Mistyfern exactly had her paws full. Raccoonkit was fond of napping, in fact, it became somewhat of a talent. Clan meetings? Snored through it. Thunderstorm? Never noticed. In fact, he barely reacted to the battle that resulted in both Cloud and Leaf receiving full leader names.
As the litter neared noviceship, Lakesplash quit his visits. It didn’t bother Raccoonkit much- hell, he didn’t even know what he wanted to be when he grew up. However, he could see that it bothered his brother, Stonekit. He did his best to comfort his brother and put his best foot forward so he’d forget about their father. Who needed that guy when Raccoonkit was way cooler, anyways?
Let’s be honest, Raccoonkit wasn’t thrilled about becoming a novice. He nearly missed the ceremony after he woke from a remarkably long nap, which resulted in a verbal lashing from his mother. Mistyfern was heartbroken- how could he forget such an important event, his first step towards adulthood? Didn’t he want to become anything? The adolescent admitted that he didn’t know what he wanted to be- he just wanted to be happy, and to be there for his littermates. Wasn’t that enough?


Raccoonpaw became a Guardian novice under the training of Grassbristle, who was a remarkably respectable cat. However, her trainee was quick to become a disappointment. Raccoonpaw was often found slacking off, taking his time to sunbathe or chat up the other apprentices (sometimes the elders as well). Grassbristle attempted to talk some sense into the apprentice, but it seemed useless. Whenever he managed to show up for his training, he was late and had some serious bed-head.
Stonepaw seemed to be doing great- he was focused on his training and even made a rival out of one of his fellow apprentices. Grassbristle sought out Lakesplash to correct his son, but the tom was adamant on staying away from Mistyfern’s kits. So, Grassbristle sought out the queen herself…and that was the day that Raccoonpaw feared for his life.
His mother had been irritated with him before. Yeah, maybe he slacked on nursery chores once in a while as a kit, “forgot” to change the moss or failed to pick up after his games. But failing his training? That boy was going too far. Mistyfern personally took her son out of camp, and that was when he knew that he was in big trouble.
She was tired of his games. Mistyfern did her best to keep her cool, but it was hard to not lose her temper when Raccoonpaw had behaved as such a great disappointment. Did he want to be like his father, to fail and abandon his family? That one, it struck Raccoonpaw hard. He loved his brothers, he loved his mother- he didn’t want them to think he was anything like Lakesplash. She asked that her son do one thing: if he couldn’t muster up his own ambition, then at least support his siblings in theirs.
So he did just that. Whenever Brookpaw wanted extra training, Raccoonpaw lazily volunteered to help. If Stonepaw was getting too into it with Dawnpaw, he’d try to break them up and refocus his brother’s energy. In fact, Raccoonpaw was doing so much better that Grassbristle stopped trying to pull out her own fur and he almost managed to make it to the Gathering with his brother. Almost. (He may or may not have fallen asleep)
However, that wasn’t to say that Raccoonpaw didn’t try to be sneaky. There was a younger apprentice, Sparrowpaw. He was that anxious and excitable sort, really eager to prove himself. So eager that Raccoonpaw convinced him to take up his chores, so he didn’t have to continue cleaning up the elder’s den.
When the rain became heavy, LeafClan ended up moving in. It seemed to bother Stonepaw quite a bit, but Raccoonpaw didn’t mind all that much (even though they smelled), so long as they kept their distance and were respectful. He actually made a few worthwhile friends out of some of the LeafClan apprentices. They enjoyed using him as a pillow.
Leafstar died, and the Headlights were flooded. Raccoonpaw, once again, didn’t mind all too much. They’d figure something out eventually, right?
As it turns out, SoaringClan can talk through their ancestors via the other crystals. Alright, cool…Raccoonpaw was grateful his clanmates felt better, but he didn’t seem particularly moved himself. Whatever made everyone happy, right? However, not everyone was happy- LeafClan wasn’t (were they ever?), and Timberstar was yammering on about his right to his nine lives. That was what Stonepaw told him, anyways. Raccoonpaw had been busy guilting Tigerpaw into taking his place in the dawn patrol.
Before long, their graduation date had dawned upon them, and Grassbristle…she didn’t seem keen on passing Raccoonpaw. She still resented her apprentice for behaving so lazily, and had overheard that he had manipulated some of his fellow apprentices into completing his duties for him. But didn’t this only prove his talents? Hell, not just any cat could convince another to pick ticks off of elders in their place! He half-manipulated and half-begged Grassbristle into passing him, and eventually, the molly relented. She didn’t want to deal with him anymore, anyways.


He’s rewarded with the name “Raccoonspring” in honor of his personable and happy nature, and STARCLAN is he glad to be done with all that training. Tigerpaw seems particularly overjoyed about all of them graduating, and seems especially bubbly around Stonemask. Huh. How strange.
Raccoonspring notices that his brother begins to relax since graduating, and seems relieved that Stonemask isn’t as irritable. It’s a lot of work being a supportive brother, after all! Mistyfern, however, still has her eye on Raccoonspring, and is keen on reminding him to attend his duties…much to his irritation, he has to oblige.
The wolf packs arrive, and this makes the young warrior reasonably nervous. LeafClan jarheads are one thing, but wolves are a whole different story. Yet, he had a sense of curiosity about him, as if his brain was thirsting for knowledge- what were these wolves, and how could he get them to safely go away? He wanted answers, needed answers…he had to keep his family safe.
Shit hits the fan when Lakesplash announces a litter with another molly. Stonemask becomes distant once again, and Raccoonspring becomes concerned for his brother’s well-being. He tries his best to offer his support, but he can’t help but feel…differently from his littermate. Was it wrong for him to be somewhat excited to have their little family expanded, even if Lakesplash had distanced himself from them all?
Shellkit and Tansykit are their names. He tries to balance peace between his brother and their new-half siblings, but he can’t help but feel guilty for loving them already. He spends much of his time in the nursery, so much that Raccoonspring seems to be ignorant of Muddyfoot’s progressive takeover. He lets the little ones play in his fur as their personal junglegym, and offers to let the kits sleep on him whenever Quailfoot needs a break.
Cloudstar worsens, and Stonemask…well, he seems to hover around Moonwhisper an awful lot. He offers to do Stonemask’s hairdo if they ever go out on a date, and can’t help but to lightly tease him about his feelings. No matter- he’ll still be there to support his brother in his “ambition”. Only if Raccoonspring gets to be best man in their wedding, of course.
His half-siblings become apprentices, and Raccoonspring makes sure that he’s the one cheering the loudest at their ceremony. However, Muddystar has taken over since Cloudstar’s mysterious “death”, and the tom immediately strikes a bad bone with Raccoonspring due to his bossy behavior. Him? Do duties? Ah hell no- the guy was really pushing his buttons now.
Raccoonspring resolves this problem by taking a painfully long time to complete his duties outside of camp, more or less by sleeping it off in a secluded spot. He invents several creative and inappropriate nicknames for Muddystar in the meanwhile. However, he can’t help but notice that Stonemask has emotionally slipped away once again, and quietly concludes that his relationship with Moonwhisper must be done for. He tries to support Stonemask during their little downtime whenever his brother is willing to listen. Raccoonspring isn’t a fan of seeing him so upset. He tries to lighten the mood by sharing with him his brilliant nicknames for Muddystar.
Things start to move too fast for Raccoonspring to properly comprehend. LeafClan starts invading, and before long, a full-blown war breaks out. They invade SoaringClan for the sake of helping them rid themselves of their tyrant. Flamescratch plans to plot against her mate, Muddystar, as well. But what Raccoonspring fears for the most is his mother and his half-siblings.
His apprehension is right: while the war is won and Muddystar is dead, Raccoonspring has lost. He’s lost a lot. The war costs him his mother and Shellpaw, and it’s a loss that he struggles to shake. He’s visibly depressed, so down in the dumps that he can’t even bother with SoaringClan being herbalist-less and leaderless. All that matters is that his family has been broken.
The Seer speaks, and his brother is to be leader. Stonemask? Raccoonspring finds it difficult to lift his own spirits- it was great that his brother was StarClan chosen and all, but…they’d lost their mother. They’d lost their half-sibling, just an apprentice. But Mistyfern had asked him for one thing: to support his brothers. With a heart heavy from loss, he does his best to encourage Stonemask onward. He had to do it: for their mother, for their fallen sibling, and for their beaten clanmates.
With his brother now as SoaringClan’s leader, Raccoonspring can surely weasel his way out of more duties. However, he still finds it difficult to shake the dreadful feeling of loss since Mistyfern and Shellpaw died. He’s doing the best he can to keep his broken family together, all the meanwhile being broken himself.
Two strange traveling loners, Chick and Tweet, come to the clans with goodies and tricks. Raccoonspring enjoys their company, gaining a few goodies and also wooing them with his impressive laziness in the process.
He happens to wake up at the wrong place at the wrong time when Stonestar holds a meeting to investigate the tunnels, and he (tentatively) volunteers to go- mostly to look after Stonestar. Their other brother, Brookshine, tags along...so, Raccoonspring shamelessly goads him into eating glowing-tunnel-moss. The tunnels collapse, and Raccoonspring is hurt in the process. His jaw is dislocated, and it is his niece (Rustlepaw) who digs him up.
Raccoonspring is (pitifully) sent to LeafClan for discussions. At the immediate gathering, he is in a world of pain for having to (starclan forbid) walk so damn far. He dramatically spends the entire time on the ground, where he meets Timberstrike.
He (regrettably) attends the two-clan patrol to hunt down the beast. After tripping and embarrassing Stonestar, he ends up stepping in a mysterious pile of literal shit, which clues them in on the beast. Rustlepaw, of all cats, runs into it: a lynx. As tensions between SoaringClan and LeafClan mount over the lost kits that the lynx (Littlevoice) has found, Raccoonspring moves forward to protect Stonestar. Rustlepaw gets into it with LeafClan's Pebbledawn, and Rac is...admittedly a little proud. And still lazy.



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Describe your character's weakness here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.

Describe your character's weakness here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.

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Describe your character's skill here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.

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Link to full refsheet

Fur is messy af

Constant lazy, effortless expression

Relaxed posture




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Insert any lyric from the song
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"Brother! He can be a lil uptight, but I still love him."

Rac cares for his littermate immensely...he just wishes Stonestar would lay off with the strictness and learn to relax a little. Nonetheless, he's still willing to go the extra mile (or literally a mile in general) in order to help him out when he really needs it. He wishes nothing for the best for Stonestar, but he does long for a more "brotherly" bond with him. Can't the guy learn to have a little fun?




"Other brother! I do love Brookie!"

Admittedly, he does like to try to manipulate Brookshine from time to time...regardless, he still holds an immense about of brotherly love for Brookshine. He felt awful when the tom struggled to reach warriorhood, and honestly, if Brookie had asked...he would have put in an effort to train with him in a heartbeat. Sidenote- he makes for a great pillow.




"Sister! No matter what Stone says, she'll always be family to me!"

Even if she's not his full sister, Rac considers Tansy to be family. He was there when she was so, so tiny- it's amazing how much she's grown!! He's proud of her accomplishments, including her recent accquisition of her own novice. He looks forward to watching his baby sister grow.




"Well, well, well- if it isn't my favorite niece, Rust!"

Seeing Stonestar avoid Rust for most of her life made Rac feel bad- bad bad bad, very bad. He adores the knucklehead and understands what it's like to have a father who isn't really present. Rac takes it upon himself to be Rust's family and cheer them on as they write their own story. Is she troublesome? Yes, but...well, at least it's entertaining, right?




"Small comments about the character here. It doesn't scroll, so best keep it short. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Describe the character's relationship here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend. Nam eget finibus mi. Cras et purus sit amet mauris rhoncus venenatis at a arcu. Integer et volutpat enim.