Kursouski Yadama



6 years, 4 months ago



"I'm not a weeb!"

Character Description [WIP]

Kuro is a 18 yr old ghost girl who was killed in 1957 by her boyfriend. She was killed by him during a date night in his car on a open field, the death was very brutal, he gutted her alive and violated her insides. The murder case was never solved and she remains missing to this day to the people of her hometown and her family. Her death was so traumatic that she is doomed to walk on earth until her murderer gets his own taste of his medicine.. originally. She roamed the earth for years looking for any help before she bumps into Aster Watanabe (Owned by StarSpangled) who was able to see her. She stuck with him and they became close friends and eventually romantic partners. She committed to him and now her curse has changed by the holy powers of the afterlife. She is now not allowed to go to heaven without Aster by her side, She is stuck on earth until he dies. She still has PSTD over her death but is overall happy to not be alone anymore.

【 Name 】 Kurouski Yadama 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 18 【 D.o.B. 】 3 / 13 / 1940
【 Origin 】United States, North Carolina 【 Race 】Japanese/American
【 Role 】Ghost 【 Theme 】 Momotaro - WEDNESDAY CAMPANELLA

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Likes: Kittens, strawberry milkshakes, birds, wet grass, and attention.

Dislikes: Lizards/most reptiles, large men, lemon scent or foods, the color yellow, and modern tech

Orientation: Heterosexual

Small Extras: She is able to transform into a cat to commuicate with the living (other than Aster), however, she can not talk as a cat, she can only do what a cat can do. Meow and hiss.


Aster Watanabe

[ Boyfriend ] Aster is very close to Kuro and she loves him with every inch of her soul and gets easily jealous if he just looks at another woman. She wouldn't know what to do without him. She is committed to him and now can't leave Earth without him.
