Mimi's Comments

I can offer anyone from here or a couple pieces of artwork like this if you're still looking for offers on this character!!;;

Heya!! >u< 

I was wondering what type of art were you looking to offer, and how many pieces? c:

I can offer about 3 or 4 pieces! I'd be willing to do a fullbody, chibis, halfbodies, and/or busts, and you can choose which type you want! (ie. two halfbodies and a bust, a fullbody and two chibis, etc!)

I see!! <3 Thank you for letting me know >u<

I'm actually currently only looking to get art of one character atm, so I was wondering if I could show her to see if you'd be okay drawing her? If it's all fine I'd be okay working out an offer!! <3


Oh sure! She's adorable- I can totally do that! Would you like to still have multiple pieces of her drawn?

Yeah, I'd love to have multiple pieces of her, unless if you'd be willing to do a couple piece so she can be drawn with her husband? ;u;

Like one fullbody of her on her own and a chibi couple of her and her hubby for example? ;u;

9 Replies

Do any of my characters interest you in trade? All my characters are up except my mains

Hi! Thanks for your message, unfortunately no one of your charas catched my attention for trade ;-;