


6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Baseball cap with any of the Big Dogs logos that aren't morally objectionable

Demon Form



bbpppbpbpppth kenny loggins probably


  • trucker grampa that lassos wiley demons for a living
  • Large
  • not actually a trucker, probably waaaaaay older but in truth The Trucker Life Chose Him, he likes sitting in small spaces for a long time, looking at wide open country and eating jerkied things
  • the kind of person that could go on a 16 hour drive with you and say absolutely nothing and then be like 'lets do that again sometime :-)'
  • genuinely enjoys spending time out in the fucked up hell badlands and sees his job as being kind of like rehabilitation, not that he would say as much
  • lives very much like a lonely old bachelor in a caravan but he's very neat and SUPER organized about it, so its a bit less depressing and more like 'youre a million years older than you look so i guess routine is all you have to anchor yourself'
  • grits
  • is probably a bit slow to respond and subdued what with being alive for like, 1000 years, but does have a quiet sense of humor
  • would really like to learn how to use a smartphone but its intimidating and there's a new one whenever he blinks more or less. needs help from Dev using his more modern demon wrangling tech-- or more likely just lets Dev handle all of it